Do you miss winter..........?

I miss winter already.


  • No I had enough of winter this year...

  • Not at all, in Britain it lasted a month longer than usual and was still snowing a bit at the start of April. I do like the week in winter (usually mid-February) where you feel that winter is becoming spring, and you can see the first vestiges of spring coming out. There is a feeling of everything coming back to life.

  • Not yet, but give me another 30-60 days and I'll be crying for cold weather and precipitation... right now I'm enjoying the warmer weather... a lack of snow on the ground, and a GREEN world.

    In our area, we stop getting ANY rain at the end of April and won't see another drip / drop until mid October... and our Summers are HOT (well into the 90-110F range).

    We will enter the wild-fire season shortly... 5-6 months of worrying about grass and forest fires in the area, those miserable temperatures I mentioned above, and of course working outside in our vegetable patch, pastures, or other places on the ranch.

    As I said... by late June I'll be crying for cooler temps and RAIN.

  • Yes.

    It's easier to warm up. Just wear more clothes. If summer is too warm though and you don't have an air conditioner, there isn't much you can do about that except suffer, splash cold water on your hair all the time, and sit in front of a noisy fan.

  • No. The winters where I live and long and harsh.

    I like the spring weather much better.

  • lady i comprehend what you mean. I moved from NYC to Fl 4 yrs in the previous and that i hate it. we've 4 seasons top right here sizzling, extremely sizzling, Too damn sizzling, & Hella sizzling. In January it ought to in all hazard bypass right down to 20 tiers in the morning yet by utilising utilising 10AM that's 75 tiers. i'm in the tactic of moving to NC in order that i visit enjoy my 4 seasons as quickly as greater. I hate all the warmth. And summer season time's right here in FL are in basic terms actually insufferable.

  • Even though winter dragged on until the third week of April....




  • i kind of had, which is an unusual thing coming from me! here in chicago we have an 80 degree day, then a 50 degree day, and it keeps changing like that. MOTHER NATURE MAKE UP YOUR MIND, GIRL!

  • Nope, don't miss it at all. I like spring/summer better.

  • Yes, I hate Summer. It gets way too hot. I love snow and colder weather! :)

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