Is a cake ever vegan?

I'm not vegan but I'm serving vegan food to so that all of my guests from different religious backgrounds at my wedding can safely eat and enjoy themselves without worrying.

About the cake, if there is no such thing as a vegan cake, I'm not serving it then. There's no point having a cake with eggs and cream that everyone can eat except some of my other guests who are strict vegans and vegetarians.

So cake or no cake?


  • YES there are vegan cakes.

    Leave the eggs out of the recipe and use more baking powder. If it is a chocolate cake, a lemon cake, etc... you can't really tell a difference!

    The bakers nowadays are aware of all the different requirements people have so many bakers will know good vegan cakes recipes.

    Search the net or the phonebook for bakeries that do vegan cakes, or visit the nearest vegan restaurant and the chef will be happy to help!



  • I have made several vegan wedding cakes in my days a head baker, at a health food store. You would never know to look at them that they were vegan.

    I would check as some vegans have different beliefs .

    . I even once put together fruit in such a way that it looked like a cake.. that was what the person wanted. I just said don’t ask me to cut it….lol

    oh I also had non believers loving my vegan foods. This is a must..

    before I would put it in the case. Non vegans have to like it…no cardboard SORRY.

    When buying a wedding cake of any kind you should have a sit down meeting they should show you pictures and you can bring some of what you might like. Also they should be able to give you tasting samples. Now if your going lower cost from a home baker they might not be able to give you a bunch of samples but if you ask and give them plenty of time , and an idea of what your looking for. they could come up with a small sample cake to try.

    good luck and please remember weddings can be stressful but cake is always fun enjoy your self enjoy your cake you should love it too.

    don't forget a groom's cake either for the persons you wish to offer vegan to of if you have a large number of persons who are vegan and perhaps your not....well make the groom's cake decetant for you ;)

  • That's very thoughtful of you. I went to a wedding this past year of my cousin's and couldn't have anything because every single dish was some kind of meat and I don't think anyone there knew what a vegan was or that cakes could be (needless to say it was a long wedding and a 2.5 hr drive there and back and I went home starving).

    So that answers your question - yes, there are delicious cakes that are vegan. Chicago Diner makes amazing vegan cakes, which are often sold through many Whole Foods Markets, depending on where you live.

    If you google it, there's also a Vegan Wedding Cake directory. This site hasn't been letting me put links on it lately, but if you type "vegan wedding cake" in Google it should come right up for you. :) Good luck and thanks again for being so thoughtful.

  • My wedding cake was vegan. There were three different layers all with different flavors. There are places that you can order vegan cakes online or you can call and inquire about vegan cakes on the phone. It's going to take a bit of footwork, but it will be worth it in the end. Mine was delicious. If you don't find anyone in the phone book, try calling a local co-op or natural food store and see if they have any leads for you.

  • Yes, it is possible. Here is a website that has alternatives. You might just want to try making one ahead of time to make sure it comes out OK, because believe me they can sometimes be tricky! also has a directory for vegan cakes, but I am not sure how good it is.

    There are egg substitutes you can use.

    Most importantly, if the recipe calls for soymilk, use UNsweetened, something that comes non-refridgerated preferably. This might seem strange to a non-vegan/veg, but it is perfectly normal and alright. They are in rectangular boxes. I am only vegetarian, but I have found that cooking with sweetened soymilk does not work right.

  • Hum hum. Check this out:

    Easy Vegan Chocolate Cake


    3 cups flour (680 grams)

    2 cups sugar (450 grams) (read this first)

    6 tablespoons cocoa (100 grams)

    2 teaspoons baking soda (10 cc's = 10 ml)

    1 teaspoon salt (5 cc's = 5 ml)

    3/4 cup vegetable oil (200 cc's)

    2 tablespoon vinegar (30 cc's)

    2 teaspoon vanilla (10 cc's)

    2 cup cold water (480 cc's)


    Mix the dry ingredients. Add the wet ingredients. Stir until smooth. Bake two greased, floured pans at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Makes two layers of a two-layer 9-inch or 8-inch round cake, or one small sheet cake. When cool, frost it.

    I hope you enjoy that!

  • Yes, I am vegan and had a vegan wedding cake made for our wedding. We just found a small bakery that made wedding cakes, and asked what we could do to replace the animal ingredients. She had us bring in egg replacer powder, and used vegetable shortening in stead of butter. I think most bakers would be happy to help you if you want a store made cake.

    If you want to make one of your own, there are many vegan cake recipes on

    Best wishes on you upcoming wedding!

  • I am a cake fiend. I think I might die without cake, to be honest. It is my deepest, fondest addiction. I absolutely love it.

    And I'm vegan.

    Not only is vegan cake GOOD, it is the better than "normal" cake. I made a vegan cake and brought it to school for my friends, and they all absolutely loved it.

    Here is a vegan wedding cake directory:

    Good luck!

  • You can get vegan cakes though not everybody would like them. Why dont you have your normal wedding cake and a symbol and then a smaller vegan friendly cake for those vegans who feel like a cake

    Im not sure where u could get them from but I often eat at a vegetarian resturant here in Australia and they have vegan friendly deserts including cakes so im sure you can get them

  • Yes Cake can be made VEGAN. You just have to find a willing local baker or make it your self.

    Know they tend to be denser less "fluffy" than cake made with eggs, but they are still very good.

    Here are some recipe sites;

    Here's mail order site

    Blessing on your marriage

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