my daughter has a speech problem?

so my daughter was diagnosed with a speech delay when she was almost 2 years old and started seeing a speech therapist with birth to 3 when she was 2 years old. she stopped seeing birth to 3 right before she turned 3 years old. now shes 3 and a half and her speech did improve but i dont think she is where she should be but she is still a working progress but recently she started having trouble when she starts a sentence. its when she starts her sentence's with you or i. she has a hard time getting it out but after that shes fine with the rest of the sentence. the doctor said she has low oral tone but birth to 3 said she didnt. some times she also still drowls (its just a little and she knows she does it because she will tell me. we had her hearing tested and its fine but now i have a 6 month old and when he crys (i know he can cry loud) some times she said its to loud or some other noices she somtimes says its to loud. mayb her ears are sensitive??? im wondering if my son will have a speech delay too? shes also not in school yet

im going to make a doctors appointment about this but i wanted to see if anyone elses kids have the same problem getting the beginning of a sentence out....she just started doing this a few weeks ago and some times she gets mad that she cant get the word out


i have looked up the signs of autism and the only one she had is the lack of eye calling the doctor tomorrow....


  • Lack of eye contact is not a sign of ADD or ADHD, (if it is a lazy eye problem, you need to get her to optometrist, as this needs to be corrected as it is affecting her vision.) It can be a sign of autism, as can be speech delay. I would look up signs of autism, and see if she displays any of the other red flags. Other signs can be, but aren't limited to:

    An attraction to spinning objects.

    A desire for sorting objects.

    A demanding need for routine.

    Immaturity for her age.

    Slowness to potty train.

    Sensory issues, such as hearing sensitivity, taste/texture issues, clothing sensitivities/preferences.

    and more I can't remember at the moment.

    As for the "you or I" issue, I'm stumped. But the repeating what you've said could be the result of a social skills/communication issue.

    Edit: Actually, the only ones you listed that she has are:

    Speech delay

    Eye contact

    Sensitive hearing

    I'm not saying she does, I'm not saying she doesn't. I can't say, not only have I not met her, but I'm not qualified to say so. But, at that age, I missed many of the signs of my son's own High Functioning Autism, as I simply thought he was "quirky" like my brother, who has it turns out was undiagnosed. It took years to get an accurate diagnosis, and when we did, I went into complete denial mode.

    Like I said, I don't know, simply this doesn't sound like any form of ADD I've ever seen. Again, I'm not a professional.

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