How many times a day do you change?

your mind? On average?


  • I used to change it all the time, cause it felt dirty. But then I ran out of money, and couldn't afford to keep fresh clean ones on hand - So I'm pretty much stuck with this dirty one until I win the lottery and can afford a boat load of new minds to refresh this old stale one.

  • 3 to 4 times

  • My son is rather much 10 months outdated and basically changes outfits as quickly as an afternoon. except a substantial diaper blow out or substantial spit up. Which he doesnt do to a great number of the two now. yet whilst he grow to be new child I replaced him 4 to 5 situations. returned whilst he grow to be 7 months he had diarrhea and that i had to alter him like 3 to 4 situations an afternoon.

  • 3+ X

    never mind I don't want to answer this

    it was 4

  • Between 3 and 5. It depends on how much sleep I've had ; )

  • Usually none. I'm not stubborn or pigheaded. I just think out things before making a choice.

  • Since I am a Man,never. That's a Girly thing.

  • i change it probably twice ..cant never make my mind up..

  • less than i change my underwear....


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