Selective Service System?

I'm 17 years old about to turn 18 in October. I finalized my enlisting, signed my contract and swore into the DEP program with the Marines on September 2nd. Recently I received mail from the Selective Service System thanking me for registering and gave me a registration acknowledgement card. I don't recall signing up for it. I know it's for the draft if we go to war. Does it have anything to do with me enlisting?


  • Your DD Form 4 (the contract you signed) constitutes registration into the Selective Service if you haven't registered already.

  • Wine and Tom are correct. They are too young to know there were guys that were "drafted" after they were active duty for as much as 1.5 years. Even had a guy with dual US/French citizenship have to go to France and renounce his French citizenship in court, in Class A with a bit of fruit salad from 2 tours in Viet Nam. A JAG Officer went with him. Somehow he found out that the French had issued a warrant for his arrest for not responding to his French draft notice.

  • Yes. You were registered as part of the enistment process. It is a requirment to register before obtaining any federal em0ployment. The military being federal employment.

  • It was part of the whole enlisting and swearing in thing.....I enlisted @ 17 too (turned 18 in A School) and never actually knew I had enrolled (or really cared since I was active duty anyway) until I checked when I was going through my Retirement Classes.

  • As the guys said its part and parcel, kind of ironic really considering you will be in general rather than reserve service.

    Your aware of it, but put it to the back of your mind as it is not really that relevant to you.

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