Peke Eye problems?

Our Peke, Nadia, has a very large "wrinkle" on her very short nose. The vet says that he thinks that she should be operated on to remove the wrinkle so that the hairs on it will not grow into her eyes and blind her. The couple that I got her from have 3 Pekes and they said that they think I should get another opinion, that Pekes always have the wrinkles and no one has ever told them that. Has anyone else heard of surgically removing the fold of skin - or wrinkle - in front of a Peke's eyes?


Golly - you guys are so great....I can't pick a best answer...I guess I'll have to - but thanks to you for sharing!


  • Are you sure that it is the wrinkle on the nose that they are trying to get ride of?? Sometimes DVM's will do corrective surgery of the bottom or top eyelid so the hairs don't scrap the cornea. Pekes are one of the breeds known for having this done. Talk to the vet maybe there was a misunderstanding somewhere. I've never heard of them cutting a wrinkle off of the nose for hair going in to the eyes only trying to keep the eyelids from rolling inward to scratch the eye. If it's really the wrinkle that they are talking about then you definitely need to get a 2nd opinion. Hope I helped some. Good luck

    I would go ahead and do the surgery for the eylids so they don't cause any problems. Is there anyway for you to keep the hair short on her wrinkle around her eyes so this isn't an issue?? If not it may be best to have them correct that while she is under as well. Hair scraping on the eyes over time causes irreversable damage and it's best to take care of it before it is a problem. You could still get a second opinion and see if the other vet recomends anything differently. I'm sure that if its that pronounced both vets will say the same thing because it is an issue for the dog that can cause a lot of damage to the eyes. Good luck

  • I've never heard of doing that. My peke's eyes are just fine. As long as her hair doesnt get into her face then your peke should be fine. My peke is 6 years old and has never had a problem. I think if his hairs were going to 'grow into his eyes' it would have happened already.

    I think you should get another opinion. Your vet sounds like hes just trying to make more money.

    EDIT: Oh. I would just do the eyelid surgery first. See how she heals without the 'wrinkle' surgery. I can't even imagine my peke without his wrinkle. After the eyelid surgery I would keep a close eye on her eyes and that wrinkle and make sure that its not interfering. Though I would still get a second opinion.

    Hope that helps - Good luck!

  • well if u don't want the peke to be blind go ahead and do it,but if it happened to the other pekes and nothing happened to them don't do it

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