Paypal Debit Card Fees?

My mother has a paypal account and I have been using it lately with eBay and buying things online and what not, but recently I (authorized by her) ordered a Paypal Debit Mastercard. It came in the mail today, I set up the PIN and everything and it says its ready to use.

Now my question is that If I take this card to an ATM machine (even though its in her name) can I withdraw funds? are there any fees If i go to an ATM machine outside a bank, or at a liquor store or gas station?

My second question is if I can use this, again the card is in my mother's name, If i can use this at like McDonalds or Taco Bell, or say at the mall. Will they require a signature? should i forge my moms or write my own if they do???

any help would be GREATLY appreciated, thanks


  • yes you can refund and if you go to a withdraw money from an atm machine it will charge u $1-5, depending on the amount. No they will not require a signature i have one and it is under my dads name. Tell them its your mom you can do that then, because she is related to you.

    hope this helps

  • First, you need to be 18 to truly have a PayPal account. 2nd, no, the PayPal debit card does not fee something. the only expenditures you have got is that in case you withdrew money from an ATM. you may then might desire to pay the ATM vendors expenditures. you besides mght might desire to be conscious for it and qualify.

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