Is this paranoia?

Okay. So for as long as I can remember I've had this weird feeling of being watched. Even as a kid. For example: my bedroom window [even though I live out in the country]. Is this normal? What could have caused it.. because I have NO idea? I don't understand why I think this..


  • Maybe your a little uneasy about living out in the country. Maybe you just watch to much bad news on television. I wouldn't worry about it to much. If it consumes your every moment then it might be paranoia but if you just think about it when you get home maybe you should just get a big dog and turn off the television. Also your not going to become schizophrenic. Don't worry you are okay. Maybe you should think about moving to the city. Good Luck

  • sometimes over-protective parents will let you know that they are watching you (sometimes even as a kind of kind threat instilling in the child's mind that they must be good because the parent sees when they do wrong). Or someone may have scared you and popped out from behind a door or a curtain when you were a child and quite impressionable.

    You just need to know that throughout life you are watched, everyone is watched, no matter where you are, that's just a fact of life. And you need to turn your fears into something (a better way of seeing things with different words you tell yourself) of more of a protective and security thing in your mind, for your safety and not for your harm..

  • I don't think I'd automatically get so worried. First off, does it effect your lifestyle or your quality of life? Paranoia usually involves you feeling someone is out to harm you. To assume Schizophrenia from this small amount of info is a little too presumptuous also. Many of us feel we have an angel looking over our shoulders at all times. Does that make us crazy? If so, then a majority of people are walking around in la la land simply because of our faith. To ease your worries, make an appointment with a psychologist, a little research can result in finding a good and honest one near you. Life is too short to start worrying about things that may be nonexistent.

  • Someone in your not so distant family suffered with schizophrenia and if you're not careful it will take over you as well. I suggest you seek profession help, as this can take over your life.

  • No, I think that's kind of natural.


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