How do you shoot a perfect 3 pointer?

I need help whe me and my freinds play basketball they never let me shoot a 3 pointer!!!


  • you cant just practice

    if your doing something wrong

    your shooting will only become worse as the motion becomes muscle memory

    nash is an excellent pure shooter- so is steve kerr chris mullin umm there are siome more but i cant remeber all of them

    mike bibby is one as well- raja bell and rasheed wallace are also great examples- just some examples

    make sure is the exact same release everytime releasing the ball faster or slower will only make your shot worse as you will have problems with your consistency

    again i repeat DO NOT CHANGE THE FORCE OR SPEED OF YOU SHOT!!!! why should you have to practice two or more different releases? when it can all be the same with just added amounts of leg power?

    instead shoot early in the "up" of the down up motion you make when you jump this is really the key

    the earlier you shoot in the up part the more power your shot will have

    don't just "use your legs"

    make sure you are getting all the power and stability you can get out of them because they are stronger than your arms

    a shot needs to be simple and is repeatable

    a release that can be used for all types of shots, freethrows shotst off the dribble set shots runners fadeaways shots under pressure and log range shots

    when you shoot, push your arm out extending it as far as it can go with your elbow locking --- this is another way to ensure consistency

    if you don't push your arm as far as it will go and your arm stops short, you will have to repeat that same partial extension - thus adding variables (or things that could go wrong) and jeopardizing consistency

    DO NOT SNAP YOUR WRIST!!!!! or flick it or whatver

    it is hard to maintain the exact speed ind force of the snap every time

    your fingers and hand should be relaxed when you shoot

    therefore your wrist will flop forward and bounce a couple of times if the locking of the elbow, the pushing of the arm to full extentsion

    don't tense up any part of your hand because you will add extra spin and add variables to your shot

    if you tense up any part of your hand or fingers when you shoot.. this action must be repeated exactly every time you shoot if you want to be consistent .. which is nearly impossible

    so make sure your hand is not tense almost dead

    if your doing this right the ball will go where your arm is pointing since the hand and fingers arent altering the shot

    also what helps your accruacy is turning your body a little

    in the video below tom is talking about this great shooter and he says in his opinion he would like his stance to be open a little more

    thats what im talking about an open stance as little to 15 and as much as 40 anything else is excessive

    by opening your stance youll be able to see were the ball will go because your eyes will be aligned behind the shooting arm

    shooting elbow placement-

    some people like to tell you to keep your elbow in close to your body

    but this creates an unnatural tension aloung the outer arm and wrist

    istead keep your elbow out naturally - there is no true mesuarment on how far out it will go - it depends on how long your arms are

    don't change the release due to varying distances from the basket change the amount of power your legs produce

    ive said this before but i really can't stress enough how important this is... the earlier you shoot it the more power your shot will have especially for threes!!!!

    you should practice you release about 5 to 8 feet from the basket whenever you can.. with no lower body power(or just a little if its not comfortable but make sure its the same amout every time) eventually if your swishing it alot close your eyes and youll feel a closer connection to the basket and your shot

    you shoud be at a distance where you can shoot it every time and its a perfect swish

    don't be afraid to shoot high you should air for medium high arch- 45/50 to as much as 60 degrees

    i guess its kind hard to know the degrees your shooting at

    but just make sure your shot isn't flat and don't be afraid to shoot it up

    if you ever feel you shots will be to strong just shoot it higher or release it later in the up motion of the jump (hangtime)

    this clip can really demonstrate some of the concepts i have stated

    The Swish Method

    i really hope you look into the swish method because it really does work and i think is the #1 shooting method ever

    after waching them i have a new understanding of shooting

    and if you want confidence

    this method will give you cofidence

    what's better than knowing you will make the shot

  • Steps First, you need to know the basics, like what a good shot is, how you make the shot good, the correct technique, and all that good stuff. What! You don't know? Well, that's exactly why this article was created for!

    Second, think of what the best way for you to shoot is, such as whether you shoot correctly, or push with your chest, the way that you shoot the ball.

    Use chalk, or some kind of marker and draw lines about 1 foot apart.

    Try to make two baskets from that spot, then move back, then back again, again, blah...., and shoot five times, and try to make at least two. If you want to, you can raise how many shots you want to make, but it's best if you keep it no lower than two ,because you need to work on your strength, and shooting ability.

    It's okay if you don't make them every time, practice makes perfect!

    Always remember. B.E.E.F.

    1. Balance. First off every shooter has a different routine when they step up to the free throw line, whether it is two dribbles or no dribbles at all. However, every good shooter begins with balance, there is always a nail at the middle of the free throw line, find the nail or dot and line your shooting foot up with it and be on balance this is the B in BEEF, BALANCE.

    2. Elbow -- Keep it straight. After you have your balance, have your elbow on your shooting hand line up to make an L right under the ball.

    3. Eyes. Focus them on the goal,just focus on what you want the ball to hit, basically over the rim, so the ball will go into the goal.

    4. Follow through. After you release the ball, keep your hand up in the air as if you were reaching into a cookie jar.

    Keep your eye on the target(the square in the backboard)

    Always jump when you shoot, thats for shooting over opponents, and for more power in your shot.

    Practice atleast 1 crossover, so that you can trick your opponent in order to have more time to shoot

    always think fast

  • shoot 2000 shots a day, and in 3 days, you'll be a sharpshooter and impress ur friends

  • to shoot a perfect three point shot just keep your eyed on the basket dont look down. if that dosent work then just keep practicing.

  • Practice. Practice. Practice.

  • keep practicing, 3 pointers dont come naturally

  • haha.. copy paste??? hahaha... ok.. practice.. practice.. practice makes everythiing perfect... watch youtube and see what iverson talk about PRACTICE... it's fun...

  • uh, what kristian said :-)

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