Why do Christians refuse to acknowledge God's creator (Ultragod)?

Christians (also known as ultra-atheists) are risking an ultra-eternity in Ultrahell, the deeper and more painful version of Hell, if they don't believe in Ultragod. Disbelief is ultrablasphemy, and is unforgivable.

Wouldn't it be best just to stay on the safe side and believe in Ultragod?


  • Yo dawg. I heard you like theism. So we created a god to create your god that you can worship while you worship.

  • The Gnostics explained a couple thousand years ago that the Jewish god was just a demiurge who was created as a malformed being by Sophia, one of the triumvirate ruling the Pleroma, and the saviour came to the Earth to save the Jews from worshiping the wrong god, the demiurge of the Olde Testament.

  • The word " God" is technically a plural word. No "s" needs to be added.

    So, when we talk about God, we are talking about all that are in the same ' club' ( for lack of a better word.)

    The word God does not state directly which members of the 'club' made this world and who our parents are. We know though, that we have a Father and a Mother, but who are they are and what rank in the family of God, well, we as a people don't know at present who they are generally speaking.

  • let's see how clever you are

    you have to tell me where this quote is from if you pick this BA

    "because there is such a thing as god, the universe can and will create itself from his image. It is not necessary to invoke ultragod in order to set the universe in motion."

  • BALSPHEMY!!!!!!!!!! in the beginning Teh Ceiling Cat, created the struts and beams on which to hang his ceiling, then he said let there be light and the Achangel Edison saw that it was good. The sheep could now read their bibble and pray. Teh Ceiling cat said you "gonna eat me" so I hide here and none shall see. And Teh Ceiling Cat founded mices and Squirrels and saw it was good. Which is why cristimans worship ceilings to this day.

  • The Ultra Banana gods approve this message.

    Beware Banana i heard chrisitans like to put bananas in their frosted flakes.

    Save your acestors in the produce department at Shoppers.

  • Let's not forget Megagod, who is the being who created Ultragod.

  • Great

  • Whats worse is to have to admit that our God is just one among millions more like Him. You wont find too many Christians that see that.

  • We have no reason to believe so.

    Even if there was someone "above" God, it would not matter.

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