why is transylvania "known" for vampires?

please give me a real historical answer. dont answer if your going to put some ridiculous answer, about your love for twilight vampires who sparkle...hahha thanks


  • Despite what some people have put they are mostly wrong.

    Vlad Tepse Vlad the Impaler Vlad Draco what ever you want to call him ruled over a land close to Transylvania in th e1500's. He was a ruthless leader known to impale his prisoners rather they be from other nations or his own. Impaling is where a person is hoisted n top of a wooden stake and allowed to fall down the stake until death. This was a very slow and grizzily way to execute someone. It was a wide spread method but Vlad isbelievedd to haveimpaledd over 300,000 by some estimations in his short reign as Crown Prince of Wallachia. The mightyOttomannem pierr feared Vlad and sought to kill him. Vlad however found help with the Hungarians and other Wallachians. Three times he organized armies and overthrew the Hungarian nobles theRomaniaa buyers and theOttomanss to regain his country. We have stories mostly from the Germans and Russians of Vlad inviting all the disabled and sickly people to a great feast in his hall. After every guest arrived he boarded up the hall and lit it on fire in order to kill every person not contributing to his kingdom at once. Vlad ruled threeseparatee times and I believe his total reign was only like 15 years. He was imprisoned by the Turks and Hungarians several times. His own brother led a Turkish army against himfinallyy ending the life of Vlad. His head was cut off and sent to Constantinople Istanbull). His body was buried in SnajofMonasteryy. His tomb was dug up and inside the bones of several dogs and cows were found but no human remains.

    Also Elizabeth Batholry was aHungariana duchesss. She ruled over a tinyprovincee on the HungariaRomanianna border. During her reign she took hundred of virgipeasantsns into her castle and drained them of blood in order to drink adn bathe in it. She believed that the blood would keep her from aging. Eventually the surrounding villages had no young virgin daughters left so Elizabeth began to prey on the noble children. That was her big mistake. The other nobles protested to the king who had all oElizabeth'shs servants executed then Elizabeth herself was locked in her castle and left to die.

    Stoker would have heard these stories for sure anincorporateded them into his book.

    They myth of the vampire did nooriginalnl start in EasterEuropepe like most people think today. The vampire is a worldwide concept like the dragon that was not confined to a single cultural area. We are part of the Western Culture so we have hear all the western stories of vampires so it is a common misconceptionon to believe that the vampire legends and stories started in Europe.

  • Transylvania Vampire Legends

  • Vampires are associated to Transylvania since Bram Stocker wrote Dracula novel. Before Dracula vampires were not humanoid blood sucking creatures, but al sorts of fantastic creatures like Chupacabra in South America but never human looking.

    Bram Stocker invented Dracula the first modern vampire. Dracula borrowed other super powers from Transylvanian mythology, from a local ghost called STRIGOI which is afraid of sunlight, avoids garlic, can only be killed by stick through the heart, and holly water is really bad for their skin :)) Now the vampire is not just a blood thirsty beast, but a complex character with phenomenal strengths and weaknesses

    On the other hand Vlad Dracula (the Impaler) was born in Transylvania, to the town of Sighisoara in November 1431. He was a Wallachian prince but spent many years exiled in Transylvania.

    That's why vampires and Transylvania walk hand in hand

  • It was not until the nineteenth century and the rise of Gothic fiction that the region was selected as a suitable locale for supernatural creatures. A collection of tales by Alexandre Dumas (père), Les Mille et un Fantomes, includes a story about a vampire who haunts the Carpathians; in “The Mysterious Stranger”, a vampire Count terrorizes a family in this area. Best-known may be Jules Verne’s romantic adventure, The Castle of the Carpathians, in which the narrator cites the prevalence of beliefs in a host of supernatural creatures, including vampires that quench their thirst on human blood. But it was Stoker’s Dracula that firmly established Transylvania as a land of superstition and horror.

    Vlad Tepes (the impaler/dracula) did not live in Transylvania, but in the Romanian region south of it, called Wallachia.

  • Transylvania is associated with Vlad the Impaler who was the son of Vlad the Drakul.

    Vlad II was known as Drakula which means The son of Drakul which means dragon or something.

    He impaled over 20,000 Turks on wooden stakes outside his castle and when the approaching Turkish army saw this they freaked and rumors about Vlad II began to spread like wild fire. It was a virtual forest of impaled prisoners.

  • Because vampire legend was born in the area and is deeply rooted in their folk lore. Dracula is pulled from the name Vlad Dracula aka Vlad the Impaler aka Vlad III. He regularly raided Transylvania and was thought to be "blood thirsty."

  • transylvania is the country where the original vampire myths first originated from, like alligators in the sewer comes from america and banshees come from ireland. dracula was also written by an irish person (bram stoker) who had done extensive research on the topic. its also known for the infamous Vlad the impaler who impaled his enemies on large stakes to kill them in a slow painful way. the myth about staking vamps through the heart comes from this. dracula is a cross between our good friend vlad and a woman who drained hundreds of young girls of their blood to bathe in it as she thought it would keep her young. but the answer is really that the first vampire myths were told generations ago in romania where transylvania is located. its near the black forest and of course scary stories would come from woods with a name like that lols.

    hope ive helped!

    Fae x

  • In the English-speaking world Vlad III is perhaps most commonly known for inspiring the name of the vampire in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula.

    although I don't like to brag!

  • have you read bram stoker's book "Dracula"? Transylvania is where Dracula lives in it, and this was were all the main myths of vampires came from is this book so...yeah thats why...

  • That is the Country that Vladimir Dracula lived in and ruled ruthlessly. He enjoyed impaling folks. One time he told a husband that to keep from getting impaled He had to eat his wife's breasts off of her. That's the truth. He wasn't a vampire in reality. He was sadist.

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