Wireless cards....?

how much do they cost?


  • They start at $12 and go up from there. It will depend upon if you mean laptop (pc cards or usb) and desktop (pci or usb). Try this site, excellent selection, price and fast shipping.

  • It depends on the type. A good deal you might get one for $20, but most cost around $40-50. I wouldn't pay more than that.

  • In india it cost from Rs.850 to Rs.6000.

  • Anywhere from $15 to $60, depending if you purchase retail, wholesale, used, etc. Check www.tigerdirect.com

  • $ 4 - $ 200 ... (cheaper than other guys answer here cause i got mail in rebates ... More expensive cause it takes from China to shipp it here through Ebay ... dang Ebay i hate it ... )

  • http://shopping.yahoo.com/search?p=wireless%20card...

    Shows all different cards and their price ranges on diff sites

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