I am a gemini dressed up as a giant bear (no joke)?
for my children's school parade (I am driving there in my bearoutfit momentarily and no one know my identity--not even my children--they are being driven by someone else) I am very hot in this outfit. How can I stay cool?
The bear
sort of late in the day to be asking, wish you had asked earlier... but I would suggest tucking in ice packs inside the costume, under your arms or around your waist and at the back of your head. There are chemical ice packs available, but even crushed ice in baggies wrapped in a cloth will work, and should last up to an hour depending on how active you are. Most of the costumed characters at Disney are limited to forty five minutes in costume, for their health, so you may want to keep that in mind.
Go somewhere cold like the Antarctic! I'm sure you'd find a nice igloo... or if you're not willing to travel try shoving some ice inside the outfit to keep cool! If that doesn't sound good either THEN try water... personally I like the igloo idea...
Breathe through you mouth! Or both mouths..and the one underneath the other. Or go to the restroom sometime and douse your head in cool water. Then put the bear's head back on!
Just enjoy and have fun with kids, you will not notice the temperature
Sneak for a while in a place with best air and take off your outfit head. Breathe and drink loads of water.
Good luck!
Drink lots of water, and only wear your knickers underneath.
Do you just happen to be spying on your children?!
Umm... fan yourself? Pour cold water on your face? Take a shower?
I'm a Gemini too and it usually....... helps... >_>
Maybe you can keep an ice pack inside of the costume?
Hahaha, I don't even know.
Gemini! :DDD