Is NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT a Good Graphics card?
This is the type of graphic's card I have. I am thinking about upgrading. Is the graphics card I have fairly good? If I upgrade which graphics card would be a good choice?
This is the type of graphic's card I have. I am thinking about upgrading. Is the graphics card I have fairly good? If I upgrade which graphics card would be a good choice?
upgrade would greatly increase your performance.
i'd suggest stepping it up one level to the 9 series.
the 200 series cards are stil quite expensive but you can get a 9800 gtx + for under 150 rigtht now
great investment and you wont be disappointed
You have an "okay" card. Of cource its not terrable or outdated, but you can't play any new games with max settings.
I have a 9800 GTX+ and its working fine. I can play Cysis on high settings with 35-40 FPS
But one thing, most 9 series card and up are PCI Express x16 2.0
You have to make sure your motherboard supports 2.0 graphics, if it doesnt then you will need a new motherboard.
You CAN put a 2.0 card in a 1.0 pci express slot, but you wont get the full function of the card
once you've Spare Connector on your skill grant you should be high-quality although that is Seven Years previous...Does It actually have The ATX Connectors On It...anyhow...merely replace It With The 350 For $5 The Curcuit technologies will be a lot more desirable ideal and could Prolly Have Sata Leads...No you could't Have too a lot skill. the 5 hundred Or Hell i have considered Them Up To1500 Watts merely Have more desirable Connection thoughts On Them That Doesnt effect Their Output nonetheless merely Giving 12 Or 5 Volt merely to more desirable gadgets.....
its not that powerful for most modern day games it depends on what you want to do for movies its great but for games i would upgrade to a 9800gt they are Dirt cheap now or a 9800gtx/gts 250 thay are the same card just different names.
its not that old so u shouldnt reallly upgrade it