Ramadan Does Philadelphia Have a “Burqa Crisis?”?


  • can u post a story with it


    Well that's a lame-*** story.

    Rapists and murderers will rape and kill ppl whether there is a burqa ban or not.

  • It’s important to understand, though, that Pipes’ “crisis” looks a little less disturbing when looked at closely. He justifies a ban because, by his count, at least 14 robberies have been committed in Philadelphia using Muslim garb … since 2007. That’s less than three a year. If you need more perspective, consider this: The 14 robberies that Pipes counts adds up to maybe one really busy shift for the police department. In the 28-day period ending Feb. 17, there were 507 robbery reports to city police—if 14 of those robberies had been committed by burqa-wearing assailants, that wouldn’t even be 3 percent of the total. Trying to calculate what those 14 cases look like compared to six or more years of robberies? You couldn’t even see a number that small with the naked eye.

    So one doesn’t have to be politically correct to respond to Pipes by saying we don’t have a “burqa crisis.” All one needs, really, is math.

  • Until when we accommodate criminals?

    If they want to wear niqab or burqa, they can do it in Mecca or Middle East.

    Is not like they allow free clothing in their country, why we don't return the favor to them?

  • I sure hope so.

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