Why do I feel depressed?
I hate school. I get As in all of my classes but school is just so saddening to me.The pressure of tests, homework, projects is just awful. I hate holiday brakes because towards the end of that break I will have to go back to school obviously. I just want to finish high school and college and get a relaxing job that might not even have to do with what I majored in. Is life after school any better. Sure I understand that there are things such as paying bills, finding a job, and surviving but I think those are kind of like less stressful than studying hard to pass a final exam. You just have to have a descent job and pay up. You're not going to be worrying about GPA or getting an A. Another thing is homework, unless you work at some office job or you're a detective or computer programer than you really won't get any homework. Homework just takes my time away I want to enjoy my life but homework doesn't allow me to do that. Thanks in advance to any answer.
School can be rubbish. I live in england so i think its better here. But everywhere it's c**p really. Teenagers thrive on drama so peers can be harsh. Homework is a stupid pointless thing. But apparently there arent enough hours in the school day to learn everything (?). School will be over at some point so you have to hang on till then
. Some people find confort in the fact that everyone else goes through it? I don't think you have depression but i would suggest you see a medical professional just in case- from personal experiance i can tell you its s**t dealing with that tgype of thing on your own. you might need drugs or counceling. Having exam stress is, apparently, a good thing.But its not pleasent at the time. It seems that school is your main problem so mabie you can talk to a school counceller/ form tutor about this. Talk to your mum, friends. Whatever it takes. Feel Better!
I went through this same phase.
School does blow, but you need to do it in order to have a more relaxed life after school. Think of it as hard work paying off. I think you should figure out how to manage your time in order to finish homework and study, and in the mean time try and find a hobby or friend to enjoy time with.
I finished school in June last year, and I was so happy because school was a piece of sh-t for me. But now i'd do anything to go back, which nobody would expect me to say. I'm seventeen but i've lost a lot of friends because after school it's so hard to keep contact with them. and everybody sees you as so much older, there is so much more pressure. youve got to do things for yourself, got to pay things yourself, got to get a job. its horrible, and at first its amazing being able to sit in bed all day, but then after awhile it gets sooooo boring. i hated school and was a little depressed but i got by and was okay, but since ive left school ive been so depressed that ive attempted suicide four times and im in counseling. enjoy the moment :')