Help to guarantee a fair trial?

I have a friend who is in jail waiting for trial. More than 8 months went by and nor the DA office or the defense attorney has done anything at all. How can we make sure the defense attorney (pointed by the state) is not working a deal behind my friends back?

Can we have access to his file? He has not been provided with the evidence the DA office presented to prosecute his case. How can we have access to this info? Can his attorney provide us this info upon my friends request?

Thank you in advance!


  • YOU can't do anything. Your friend can ask to see his file. His lawyer cannot work a deal behind his back. He may negotiate with the prosecutor, but only the accused can agree to any deal.

    I seriously doubt that neither side has 'done anything'. The fact is, courts are overloaded, and the delay is due to that. When the trail date approaches, they will both do what is needed.

  • It will be difficult for you to gain access to the evidence even on your friends behalf. If you friend has not heard from his lawyer, he needs to write a letter to the attorney. He needs to ask the lawyer to meet with him as soon as possible.

  • He can't commit to any kind of deal without talking to his client first. Yes, you can have access to his file. He needs to request it. They have to give it to him.

  • theres no such thing as fair justice or a fair anything for that matter....i can spew examples but ill just leave it at that

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