how do insurance company know how many years no claims i got?

is there some database or something as insurance company never ask for my no claims proof or do insurance companies phone each other up.


  • Hello

    Probably down to which company

    I have just chanced mine and was requested the renewal notice from my previous insurers. Not a lot of good when they just put Full. With Saga that means 9 or more, I have 12 so they don't get proof of the 12 years. Am currently waiting for letter from Saga to forward stating I have 12 years NCB.

    Andy C

  • Insurance companies generally access a motor vehicle report, as well as a claims history when trying to determine rates. Therefore, if the police were called, and even if no insurance was exchanged, there is probably going to be a record of the incident.

    We are in the electronic age, and so it is very difficult to get away with anything. My advice would be to answer all questions honestly asked by an insurance company, but don't offer any unsolicited information, either.

  • It is registered with the motor insurance bureau. They will not always check this although sometimes may ask for proof from a previous insurer.

    A word to the wise don't be tempted to falsify information a friend of mine did this a few years back when he wrote off his audi tt and never got a penny and now can't get insured again.

  • All insurers share all the info you give them on one database. Lie once and it'll bite you on the @ss every time you try to get insurance for the next 10 years.

  • There is no database.

    They will ask for proof at the start or if you try to claim

    They do not ring one another up as they cannot discuss you with one another due to confidentiallity

  • you said it , database

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