is check real or a scam?

ima try to make as short as possible i applyed for a job in craiglist, the position had been filled but the guy threw emails tols me there was another position avaible as his secretary or something like that, that he was gonna be sending me packages to my house and to follow instructions on what to to with them. so he asked me for my name last name adress email phone number and i gave it to him, i recieved the first package and its a check for 1960 he send me a email saying to deposit it to my bank and take out 1510 and send it to this adress in france and to keep my 450 weekly income. ive searched the adress where the check came from and its a for sale house in florida the check its from a bank in washigton called salal credit union so what should i do?what are the risk if i cash and just keep the money? can i get details on wat could happen? thanks in advance


  • It's a scam.

    1) The check is counterfeit, stolen, or otherwise no good. if you deposit it, then you will have to repay the bank for the entire $1960, both the $450 that you kept and the $1510 that you sent to France (which you won't get back). You won't make $450; you'll lose $1510. Also, you might get arrested.

    2) If you cash it and don't send the money to France, then you'll still have to repay the bank when the check bounces, so you still won't make any money, but at least you'll lose less. And you're probably even more likely to get arrested.

    3) If packages come that aren't checks, they'll be stuff that was ordered online with stolen credit cards or with some other type of stolen money. You can be arrested for receiving stolen property.

    4) The job that was "filled" never existed. He just made up that job to find someone like you for his scam.

  • There is no money to keep. The check is phony. The guy is phony.

    You need to get some common sense. Why on earth would anyone send you a check for you to turn around and send money somewhere else? Why couldn't this guy just send one of his checks to wherever he wanted - without using a middle man to do it?

    You cash this check - it bounces. Then the bank wants it's money back from you.

    Yes, it sounds wonderful to just cash the check and keep all the money. You will keep it for about a week. Until it bounces. And you are in debt to your bank for this check. There will be no packages. This job stops with this check - as soon as he gets the money he wants from your account when you do this foolish thing with the check.

    And, by the way, this scam has been around for years. Craigslist is full of scams.

    Get some common sense. If it sounds too good to be true - it is.

    Take the check to your bank or to the police - with the emails. Tell them you think it's a scam. Let them deal with it.

  • This will get you arrested for felony bank fraud, forgery, fencing stolen goods and money laundering, not to mention land you in debt

    Turn the check, envelope and all emails over to your local police. If you get any packages DO NOT sign for them and return to sender. Since you were crazy enough to give your home address to a criminal, so they do not threaten you p and your family, write back to say you tried to cash the check but the bank said it was drawn on a closed account and turned it over to their fraud team. then say you cant work for them and anything else sent to you will be turned over to the police. Then you go to the police with the heck. You may be eligible for a reward if they can find and prosecute this criminal.

    My friends credit card number was stolen and someone charged over $3000 worth of electronics to it. She reported it and the police arrested a 19year old student whose home the items were sent to. He didn't have them anymore as he already sent to his "employer" overseas and had emails just like yours offering him a "job." He was sentenced to 18 months because the jury and judge did not believe anyone could really be so stupid as to accept a job, checks and packages from someone they had not even met and not know they were involved in criminal activity. Most of these reshipping scams are run by the Russian mafia and their accomplices in Europe

  • Of course it's a scam.

    The risk is you can be arrested for money laundering.

    At the very least, your bank will close your account, report you to CHEX (meaning you won't be opening another bank account any time soon) and they will sue you for the entire amount of the "check," not just the $450 you "kept."

    If he complains tell him you have turned the check and the package into the Postal Inspectors. (And do it!)

  • Scam. 100% guaranteed scam.

    There's no money to keep. The check he sent you is a fake. You'll deposit it, send him $1,510 in real money. Then, a few days later, your bank will notify you that the check was fake, and ask for the entire amount back. You'll be out $1,510, and have made no money.

    Don't respond to him. Don't cash the check. Don't send the money.


    Hope that helps.

  • It's 100% fraud. Put it in the shredder and forget about the job. If you already gave them your SSN, I suggest you put your name on fraud alert thru Trans Union Fraud Dept. The toll free # is 1-800-680-7289. They'll notify the other 2 bureaus and must be renewed every 90 days in order to keep it active. Once this is setup and someone tries to open an account with your info, they must notify you first before it can be processed

  • That's one of the oldest scams in the books. You deposit the check in your bank, send him the money, and then the check bounces and you're out the money you sent. Don't do it.

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