Write a poem describing a character?


A farmer - Rhyming Couplets


  • Farmer

    His Hateful work! His love for money!

    His life never was as sweet as his honey,

    He smells of fish! His face is muddy brown!

    His shop overcharges the faraway town,

    His fiery beard! His untidy red hair!

    As sly and red as any fox! Beware!

    His large nostrils! His tuft of hairs!

    He was the master of the public affairs!

    His short ripped trousers! The large work coat!

    He loved using his fishing boat!

    His excellent reporting! His strong bones!

    Protecting people from thieving zones,

    His money! His greed! His lies!

    His help was needed! So were his supplies!

  • I can- thank you very much should I so choose.

    However I am assuming that this is for school so here are a few tips. Poetry is a lyrical/rhythmic/tuneful way of using words to describe something or someone or to tell a story. so think of a simple tune. Think of a subject for your poem. start jotting down facts about your subject while humming your tune.

    Mary jane has blue eyes. She is argumentative. She likes gardening. She likes to go to the beach. She likes collecting shells.

    very soon a first line will pop into mind.

    'Mary Mary quite contrary" - then try to write another one

    'what is your garden like'

    'I'd like to come and see you but'

    'It's too far to walk and I haven't got a bike!' if the rhythm doesnt match the first line/ couplet try altering the words around a little

    eventually it might become something like:

    Mary Mary quite contrary

    How does your garden grow

    With silver bells and cockle shells,

    and pretty maids all in a row'

  • Yesterday morning the postman came by,

    He was gay and jolly and bright.

    He said, I have here for you my dear,

    a parcel that came through in the night.

    I thanked him kindly for dropping it by,

    and thought as he went out of sight,

    What a strange collection of clothes he was wearing,

    I've never seen such a sight.

    He was wearing below, a pair of green trousers,

    that's not too bad you say,

    but mixed with the purple and red leather waistcoat,

    you would start to think my way.

    I noticed too that his one hat was two,

    a fez for one and a bowler hat too,

    If only his tie had been a shade or two darker,

    neon yellow with pink stripes? Not I!

    So I look forwards to the concoction he comes up with next

    as he always brightens my day.

    I've been waiting for him for years by and by,

    and hope he doesn't retire yet!

  • Lies and deciet spill from his gob,

    It's about time he gave up his job,

    He looks aged and not healthy,

    But through his job he is now wealthy,

    He has balding thinning hair

    Not hard to guess now ,It's Tony blair.

  • he's magic in every way

    with his brown hair

    his devil may care

    his little round glasses

    his spell learning classes

    He could mark my blotter

    that devil Harry Potter.

  • This dead body

    That I hold in my hands

    Was once my happiness.

    This dead body

    That I hold in my hands

    Was once my joy.

    This dead body

    That I hold in my hands

    Was once my flesh.

    This dead body

    That I hold in my hands

    Was once my blood.

    This dead body

    That I hold in my hands

    Was once my life.

    This dead body

    That I hold in my hands

    Was once my warm daughter.

    (C) February 3, 2001, Natalie Luther

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