Menstrual issues?

Firstly: I'm a pre-testosterone transgender male, please don't call me she.

Now that that's out of the way. I normally have pretty heavy periods, but this one has been awful. It's been even heavier than normal, and was a very dark red at the beginning. It turned candy red after two days, and now it's back to dark red.

I also passed three extremely painful clots earlier. I leaked very badly soon after, and went to the bathroom. Two of them were a normal size of probably a thumb nail, but the largest one was a bit larger than a quarter, and extremely heavy.

I don't know what to think about it, and I for sure don't have the money for a doctor. I had sex in August, but had a normal five day period two weeks after that, so I very seriously doubt it was a miscarriage or something like that.

Help please?


  • Unfortunately, you do need to see a doctor, no one here can even begin to help you. The county has low cost clinics, and if it continues you can go to the ER. Probably hormonal issues, but clots and heavy bleeding is not normal.

  • You need to see a doctor. And get over your concern about he/she in a public forum when you are asking for help from a group who just witnessed your doubting that you could be pregnant after sex.

    The alternative is to stay out of the public and just see the doctor like you should in the first place. You cannot get what you need from ignorant strangers...even well meaning one.

  • Unfortunately, clots like you described are pretty common in people with heavy periods. Periods can change with age. They can go from heavy to light, or light to heavy. If you can't handle the pain, take Advil.

    Your journey sounds like it is just starting, but eventually (if you choose) you can be period free. In the meantime, you just have to handle your period as is.

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