Do eyelashes grow back???!?

I put on false lashes today and I foolishly trimmed te end and when I took them off, I noticed about a third of my ******* eyelashes are gone... I've been crying for the past hour. I've been reading stuff about eyelashes being cut off and I've heard people say they will never grow back, but if they do they will still be thinner/ shorter than the others. Do they actually grow back or nah ? And how long will it take? What should I do? I only wear mascara and eyeliner so this a the most tragic thing that's ever happened to me.


  • Yeah they do. It takes a couple of weeks. Rub Vaseline onto your eyelash line which will promote growth. Good luck x

  • The same thing happend to me last week. I was curling my eyelashes, when my curler broke, and I ripped out a couple lashes as well as broke some in half. It hurt like hell, but my eyelashes did grow back. The ones that were broken in half fell out, and new ones grew back in. My lashes look normal now, but it was scary!!

  • For me, they did grow back. I've accidentally cut my eyelashes before - it was when I was younger - and my eye was irritated for a bit, but my lashes were back to normal fairly quickly. Probably around 2 weeks.

  • According to a recent study, eyelashes can with the right medication grow back.

  • Hi,

    Go to a chemist and buy a tub of Vitamin E cream. Put that on your eyelashes every night for a week or two (leave it on overnight). You can use your fingers, or a clean mascara wand. Good luck!

  • it grows back within just a few weeks but after 6 months, you have none of the eyelashes that you had 6 months ago (: so yea, they grow back

  • Try Vaseline! You can get it cheap at any drugstores. Put it on every night for a week and you should start seeing results. :)

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