Why do people hate emos?

I'm not emo, but from the answers of the questions I had before I noticed a lot of people hated them. They're just people that need help, serious help, and what do some people do? Instead of helping they make them fee worse. SHAME ON YOU!!!


  • true.... but ya have to be careful eh? some are just lookin for attention... so if they want, cuttin themselves is apparently a good way to get it. i dunno, u are rite about ppl being craps and makin the ones who are actually emo feel worse. i dont hate'em just pity them personally.

  • I'd say so......I'm no longer too definite considering the fact that at my tuition the scene's feel they are emo and mock everybody else who such a lot as wears a again t blouse. The truly emo's hold to themselves and hold approximately with everybody it doesn't matter what clique and do not rather hate any one. The scenes additionally feel they're the skaters and punks as good so in some way they're the one posers and all people hates them........my colleges a bit of bizarre and on your query, sure =]

  • I don't hate them... I haven't even met one! And how can I hate somebody I don't meet? And how can I think about a whole group of people when and if I meet one person from that group? Well, we're all people and we should all make each other happy... :-)

    P.S. I'm not really into labels but for the sake of the question, I used a label... shame on me for that!

  • Im not emo either but its really sad how so much people hate emos where they ( emos ) really need a friend.

  • We don't all need help. We don't all sit in corners crying and cutting ourselves. We don't all hate the world. We're people that just happen to be not like you. We just happen to have a different style of music, hair, and clothes and a different outlook on the world.

  • well im what my friends that are gemo=goth/emo call me a "premo"...=a preppy emo nd i have nuthyng against gangtsars,preps or ne thyng lyk that soo y do they hate us....i always wanted to know....the reason why most "emos" kill theirselves is cuz they keep cutting and cutting cuz ppl make fun of them and tease them it makes nooo sence eitehr we are all the same.....i just thynk it has to do with the way we dress nd our hair and hair color...lyk im gonna bleach my hair..then put pink nd black in sum parts of my hair....nd ppl make fun of how we dress and look it is like we r nerds or sumfing ugh i hate those snobby ppl who think they r better than everyone else....also all of the emos in my school are friends with everyone except the kids younger than us eww o and the nerds everyone luvs us....but they still make fun of us the other day sum kid wuz lyk ur u emo i said y? he said cuz ur pants r tight and ur hair is all emoy nd i siad that hurt my feelings cuz then after that they started making up songs about emos...then one girl walked by our reading class nd sum "popular" ***** said she must be emo...but really she is punk i wud know im her friend nd then they started singing these mean songs to i almost cried

  • I don't know but not all of emos hurt themselves, and they can be pretty interesting and funny and the guys are pretty hot.

  • I don't like it either, but I think it's because they differ from most people, and it's easier for people to gang up on people that are outnumbered. Pretty sad huh?

  • cuz they always ask the question "why do people hate emos?" n when sumone calls them emo theyre like, "im not emo! i hate labels!" n then they call themselves "emo" n i always confuse it with the bird "emu". i hate them

  • I don't hate them, I think the guys are cute!!

    But I think the tight jeans and long hair reminds people of hippies. At least that's what I've heard...

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