Normal baby poop or no?

My son has had mustard yellow poop for about the past two days. He is not breastfeed and is on Similac Neosure Expert Care because him and his brother were born premature. They are not on solids yet or on any rice/cereal. They eat every three hours and are at about 6 oz. His brother's poop is the greenish which I know is normal. He is about 5 months (2 1/2 months adjusted) and weights about 13 pounds. He has not been acting like he is feeling good. But he is chewing on everything that comes near his month and screamed (to the point you can't calm him down) for about 3 hours last night,

I am just wondering if it is because he may be getting sick or if it is from teething or maybe too much of something in his diet. I am a new mother and don't know everything there is to know about babies yet.


I don't use the powder formula. I buy the ready made stuff.


  • yes mustard yellow poop is fine! thats the way they want a newborns poop you would just worry if its like watery. I had my daughter three months ago and it was watery from drinking enfamil the regular stuff with iron so they put her on enfamil prosobee and now its like a mustard and thats how the doc wants it.

  • He's probably just teething. My daughter had yellow poop and the doc said it was fine.

  • I would say the screaming is probably to do with teething!

    As for the poop make sure you are measuring the formula to water ratio properly- if you are doing that then his poop is normal

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