serious replys please?

I know people have right to film and distribute what happens on their own property as they see fit.But if a parent put their minor son on a hidden camera tv show by installing hidden cameras in his room car etc, filming him alone when he is by himself in his room (basing the entire tv show on this one guy switching cameras to wherever he went) once he turned 18 would they need his consent to keep recording and airing new material?

"One who appropriates to his own use or benefit the name or likeness of another is subject to liability to the other for invasion of his privacy." -torts

( i know some of you are getting tired of me posting this topic I consulted an attourney but it will be a couple days before I get a response sorry for the inconvenience)


yes I have his name is richard rose :(


  • No, you have not consulted an attorney. If you had you would have stopped posting this weeks ago.

    Folks, please don't feed the troll.

  • I'm not sure if this is the answer you are looking for, and I cannot give you a legal answer, however, it seems to me that anything that is filmed in public, would be legal to share, but just because he is a minor, it seems to me that he is entitled to privacy, ( invasion of privacy ) like you said. Even on public tv shows, I do think that if it was aired, or submitted somewhere, that he would be able to file a law suit or harassment charges possibly if he does not consent. Sorry if this is not enough help or legal enough.. I would also try looking up laws about photography, I know there are certain restrictions about taking someones photo in public, and being able to distribute it freely with out a consent form. This kind of area may be able to assist you on tracking down laws of this nature. :)

    * only intending to try to help - best of luck to you

  • no they i dont they would need it since hes 18 years of age.

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