Does this CPU and video card combo seem good?

So I am looking a building a decent gaming computer that's under $1600 or so. I want to know if anybody has an opinion about my cpu and video card combo. I read a few things, but nothing that really made up my mind. Any other suggestions are welcome as long as the price of the 2 together doesn't cost much more (maybe $100 more is okay)

AMD Phenom™II X4 965 Black Edition Quad-Core CPU w/ HyperTransport Technology

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 465 1GB 16X PCIe Video Card


Okay thanks for the suggestions so far. How about I swap the Nvidia for the ATI Radeon HD 5850 1GB GDDR5 on a Asus M4A89GTD Pro motherboard? (Would save me $60 instead of spending $80 more for the GTX 470 oh and don't worry I already have the 800W power supply covered to run everything.)


  • spend the extra $100 and get the GTX470

    The GTX465 is really not that much better then a GTX275 or 285

  • For me. AMD Phenom™II X4 965 Black Edition Quad-Core CPU w/ HyperTransport Technology is a cpu that gives better performance for a computer system but I suggest that you purchased the latest ATI Radeon HD series video cards because AMD Manufactured the chip of ATI radeon.. so it is very compatible with each other.. it gives better gaming and performance...

  • i might recommend switching to intel, an i7-920 is still faster for the most part than the phenom2. and isn't really much more expensive considering how much you are spending overall anyway and its very overclockable. I built someone an awesome loaded system with a 920 back in october for about 1000. only didn't have a high end video card, just a midrange but they weren't gamers.

  • Top notch!

    Here's your GPU

    Keep in mind the requirements for the PSU (550 watts min) with this card (200 watts) and the MB/CPU (130 watts I believe)

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