96.6 Body Temp Normal?

I just woke up, and took my temp because I was really cold and I wanted to see if I had a fever.

It was 96.6. I'm not even sure if that thermometer is accurate. I feel fine, btw. So is this normal since I was cold, and just woke up.. or what?


My Mom said the thermometers are old, so they are not accurate. >_>


  • 98.7 is considered normal body temp (America) Farenheit wise, so 96.6 body temp is not normal.

  • 97.6 is the conventional. tremendously lots, your temp is approximately typical. Fever From Wikipedia, the unfastened encyclopedia this text is with regard to the scientific circumstance. For different makes use of, see Fever (disambiguation). Fever An analog scientific thermometer showing the temperature of 38.7 °C ICD-10 R50. ICD-9 780.6 DiseasesDB 18924 eMedicine med/785 MeSH D005334 Fever (additionally usually occurring as pyrexia, from the Greek pyretos which skill fireplace, or a febrile reaction, from the Latin observe febris, which skill fever, and archaically usually occurring as ague) is a accepted scientific sign that describes a upward thrust in inner physique temperature to ranges above typical. Fever is maximum properly characterised as a non everlasting elevation interior the physique's thermoregulatory set-element, many times via a pair of million–2 °C (a million.8-3.6 °F). Fever is led to via an elevation interior the thermoregulatory set-element, inflicting primary physique temperature (many times and problematically seen to be 37 °C ±a million °C, or approximately ninety 9 ±2 °F; see under for specifics) to upward thrust, and effector mechanisms are enacted as a consequence. A feverish guy or woman has a conventional feeling of chilly inspite of an larger physique temperature, and will develop in coronary heart fee, muscle tone and shivering, all of that are led to via the physique's tries to counteract the newly-perceived hypothermia and attain the hot thermoregulatory set-element. Fever differs from hyperthermia in that hyperthermia is a upward thrust in physique temperature over the physique's thermoregulatory set-element, by way of intense warmth production or inadequate thermoregulation, or the two. A fever is one in all of the physique's immune mechanisms to attempt a neutralization of a perceived probability interior the physique, be it bacterial or viral. Carl Wunderlich stumbled on that fever isn't a ailment, however the physique's reaction to a ailment.

  • 98.4 normal (98.6 in US) you are cold

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