Indian Judicial system?

What do you people think of Indian Judicial system, we have so many courts, why are cases not heard, why are there so many under trails in custody.

I happen to visit a few courts randomly, I noticed one thing most comman, the judge does not want to proceed with the case in front of him / her, asks the lawyers of both sides, when next date is suitable for both sides, meaning layers.

The cases get dragged on and on for years and even then there is no proper justice.

It is only when a foreign national is concerened that you have fast track judgement, that is purely for tourism.

Your comments please.


  • 1. Our judicial system is capable of pronouncing fast verdicts. But like other systems, corruption has affected it badly.

    2. The plaintiff and respondants have become merely a source of income for the lawyers of both sides. Unecessary adjournments are taken to force their clients to pay something.

    3. I have seen man "peshkars" collecting petty money from the clients even when the Munsif is sitting in the court.

    That is one of the main reasons for prolonged justice.

    4. there is always shortage of judges which also causes the delay.shortage is there in all states.

    5. Another one is transfer of judges. When during a hearing one judge is transferred, the new comer always starts from the begining.

    However by and large, our judiciary is unbiased and better than any other institution.

  • Justice delayed is justice denied.

    Our judicial system is capable of pronouncing fast verdicts. But like other systems, corruption has affected it badly. The plaintiff and respondants have become merely a source of income for the lawyers of both sides. Often both the lawyers are in mutual consent to let the case linger on.

    Why they would be interested in the early settlement ?

    And why blame the lawyers only ? I have seen man "peshkars" collecting petty money from the clients even when the Munsif is sitting in the court.

    That is one of the main reasons for prolonged justice.

    Of course there is always shortage of judges which also causes the delay.

    Another one is transfer of judges. When during a hearing one judge is transferred, the new comer always starts from the begining.

    However by and large, our judiciary is unbiased and better than any other institution.

  • Juficiary system for Indians

    is the best in the world. There

    may not be more number of judges,

    but by following the British Type,

    we have proved that we are the best.

    Every accused has a fair chance

    to defend himself. In case, he belongs

    to a poor family, he can get free

    Lawyers from the Help Line of

    a Central Government Agency. Incidentally,

    the 9 th Nov. was the anniversery day and

    Advertisenents in National Dailies were


    One office is located at Sahajahan Road,

    New Delhi and the other at the Patiala

    House Courts. They provide all the help

    to a person, whos' annual income is

    less than Rs.50000/- PA. This help includes

    typing fees, court fees, lawyer's fees, postage

    fees for summons.

    Fast Track Court for foreigners is related

    to tourism, cheating and any sort of

    molestation or harrasment to a foreigner.

    There are shortages of Judges. There are not

    too many able judges. There is a group, which wants

    SC/ST & OBC judges to occupy the seats, but

    the Supreme Court is unwilling, due to lack of

    knowledge or poor IQ

  • I agree with you. Most of the judges are incompetent and a few percentage is corrupt, as admitted by the erstwhile Chief Justice of India. It is high time the Law Commissions recommendations for improving the standards of the judicial system were implemented. A dedicated Indian Judicial Service, well informed, well trained will go a long way in improving the quality and the quantity of the judgements delivered.

  • Indian Judicial system is heading for a collapse. It has been under great political pressure right from the beginning and now it is the extreme. The two eyes of democracy the police and Judiciary have almost blinded by politicians since independence

  • worst in this global. all under political pressure. threatening, money, promotion, etc.. judges are now very bad. example in tamil nadu.. chennai corporation election, all media brings the rowdy, political members, action with photos. but the court dont care all these things. MONEY?? sure there is some thing behind in this matter. ask Mr. Cho.


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