How does enviromentalism relate to peace?

I was wondering how enviromentalism relates to peace because of the sudden surge of products labeled as "green" thagt are marketed as benefiting the overall state of mankind. But how does making environmentally sound decisions really benefit world peace and unity?


  • I can give you examples: Mexico does NOT try to reduce pollution. Many of their worst environmentally polluting plants are next to the border with Texas. Guess which way the pollutants go?

  • People that care about the enviroment, not only care about something other than themselves, they know that everybody must do their part and work together. (to fix how bad we have messed up this world) Selfless acts and working together bring peace. People concious of health and the world around us are typically peaceful people that believe in unity to save our planet.

  • It's a stretch.

    "Green" is equated with reduced consumption

    Consumption is equated to greed

    And greed is equated with non-peace

    Therefore, "green" reduces the need to violate "peace"

    There are serious flaws in that logic, but that seems to be the justification for those who equate one with the other, and marketing has never been a slave to logic anyway.

  • It doesn't.

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