Dog air compressor for collar?

My dog (Jack Russell) we got him from Battersea hes 14 now and we got him when he was 14, he lived with an elderly lady that had to move and could not bring pets with her unfortunatly.

We have had a Jack Russell before and other dogs we know how to look after our dogs.

Our dog now, will not stop whining no matter what we do, hes attention whining even though we are actually giving him attention and he still is whining. Me and my mother watch Dog Borstal and have seen this equipment that is attached to their collar that emits a puff of air thatyou press a button with, but i cant seem to find it.

Does anyone know what these are called or even better a site that i can buy this from.

Please note we have tried all the other things to stop him whining like water sprayed when he does it, but its just not working.

Im not here after your critiscm im here after your help, i have wrote what we do to give you an idea of the background i am talking about. I feel its a habit of a lifetime .....


I have tried google was searching for a while been on loads of site but not knowing the name of the product is obviously not bringing back alot of results im after.

Update 3:

Thank you C C

and we have tried everything to stop whining and we have ignored him too, we aint just giving him attention when he is whining, he is a happy dog, he is still lively for hes age hes in top health condition.

Thank you C C for answering my question much appreciated.


  • aboistop collar its a citronella one though, made by the company of animals they are about £85 to buy.

    there are cheaper ones out there to buy but i dont know if they work or not.

  • The suggestion of an obedience class is an excellent one. Read here

    It will help your dog learn to behave around other dogs, and help keep your training moving forward as you'll want to be prepared for the next class. Also, a good instructor can be a wonderful resource, someone to help you with any questions or concerns about your dog. Leash training can take a LOT of time and patience, depending upon the dog. I'm not sure what you mean by 'horrible on a leash' but my basic suggestion is that you take a lot of yummy treats with you on walks. When your dog behaves well on the leash (not pulling) praise her and give her treats. Change direction a lot so that she learns to pay attention to YOU and where you are going. It's also helpful to teach a "Watch Me" command such that whenever your dog looks at you you praise her and give her a treat. About chewing, yes a Kong is a great chew toy. Some dogs also like Nylabone brand bones. I suggest also teaching a "Leave It" command. You use this when she shows interest in chewing on something she shouldn't. Then immediately give her something she is allowed to chew, such as the Kong stuffed with somethig yummy. This same command will be helpful on walks when she wants to sniff or eat something she shouldn't. Again, when she does leave the item alone, be sure to give lots of praise. I would look into an obedience class right away. I think that you'll find that a good obedience class can help enormously! Good luck and enjoy your new dog.

  • I've never heard of that, but I would imagine that if you are giving him attention when he whines like you said you are rewarding the whining and he will continue to do it.

    I would ignore him when he whines and distract him with something like a toy or a treat and then give him attention when he is preoccupied and not whining.

    I think you're trying to comfort him while he's whining, but really you're just encouraging the behavior.

    I don't think any sort of collar will help you with this, only positive reinforcement for the behavior you want.

  • Try looking under anti bark collars. Drs Foster and Smith have them as well as PetSmart among others. The collars may help they may not. You might also want to see a vet if this goes on for a long time it may not be attention that he is after. He may be in some kind of pain possibly due to his age.

  • If your dog has only just start whining for no reason, he could be going senile. There are medications you can get from the vet which may help with this. Try that first.

    What you are thinking of is probably anti-bark collars. Type Aboistop into google & you'll get lots of suppliers

  • at 14 he's not gonna change....all that collar will do is make his life miserable, which of course may be a better alternative to your life being miserable....i've know lots of dogs that whine, drives me nuts! i quit hunting with a guy because his dog whined so much

    btw, barking collars do not work for whining, only barking. don't waste your money. whining doesn't set them off.

  • Ussually when a dog is whining, it means they have too much engergy that they are not allowed to use.. the best way to get him to settle down is to take more time with him and longer more frequent walks.

  • try this website

    the collar you mean are citronella collar spray for dogs

    there are loads of different training aids on this website.

  • Citronella barking collar?

    It's the only thingie I can think of.


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