can I put natural gas into a portable propane tank?

I want to be able to transport natural gas as I would be able to transport propane.


  • No matter what u do ,,,please dont try this at home..cos u might not have a chance to transport again..

  • A waste of time. Your natural gas will never reach the liquid state of propane, and at the max safe pressure of the propane tank (about 100 PSI) you might get one pot of coffee cooked before the natural gas contents run out.

  • I'd suggest you talk with someone who works with one or both and learn the dangers. No offense to anyone who answers questions on yahoo but this could be a dangerous thing you're wanting to attempt... and if you're asking about it here... you don't know enough to be doing it on the advice you might recieve here.

  • No, the orifice on the gas valve will be the wrong size to allow for proper gas flow. DO NOT do this.

  • no,'cause propane is a heavy liquid.

  • Sounds really dangerous.

  • no, do not try this i would bet there is a law against doing this. plus it would be very very dangerous

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