Corporal punishment as a punishment? Fair?

I'm a college student studying abroad in Ukraine and in some local districs corporal punishment or fines are given rather than a jail sentence. There was recently a case where a girl who was 19 who was babysitting a couple 5 and 7 year old girls beat them on a regularly when they complained about anything. The 19 year old girl was recently sentenced to 60 strokes with a cane. The way they will carry out the sentence is she'll have to take her pants off and lean on this wooden thing and stick her butt out and a female court employee will carry out the punishment. Fair?


  • I don't like the idea of corporal punishment. It doesn't discourage misbehavior or crime, just as the death penalty in the United States hasn't discouraged crimes fitting of its sentencing.

    People such as the girl you mentioned, do not belong in society for a length of time whilst they undergo a reformation program. Physical humiliation of a person who has stepped out of line does not work. Tackling a physical crime with physical punishment sends a mixed message of acceptability.

  • 60 strokes is by far not fair! if you said 10 or 15 lashes i would agree. but 60 strokes is a bit harsh. i myself am FOR corporal punishment when it comes to child molesters like jerry sandusky, in my opinion he should get a public flogging at around 100 lashes with a flogger. if you hurt or harm a child or you abuse or rape a woman, you should be sentenced to that type of punishment.

    NO. i do not believe that you should cut someones hands off for stealing a loaf of bread. BUT if you go into a bank with a gun? and you hold them hostage, or shoot one of them and maybe kill or wound them. then they should take both hands

    in some foregin countries where you have corporal punishment there is little or no crime. and the streets are clean and respectable. i would like to see some people who spit in the street or litter to get 10 whacks with a cane on live tv.

  • That is responding to brutality with brutality.I think I know what country it was and the fact that this is a regular occurrence proves that,no matter what the punishment is,some people will still break the law.

    There have been protests from other Countries about the severity of the punishments given to lawbreakers.

  • 60 strokes !! When it was done in Britain 6 or 12 was the usual. 15 is the most I have heard about. It sounds like a Sharia type of punishment where humiliation is the main aim,not so much pain.if 60 strokes was done hard it would cause terrible damage.

  • Well, it's not fair in an American court of law because it violates our 8th amendment rights. I doubt Human rights are well protected in Ukraine like they are in America

  • This is some mad law it not fair but can't blame them cos imagine if she didn't hit them then nothing happened

  • Sounds like she got off easy to me.

  • I just ate Boston cream pie

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