Why do liberals pretend Obama is not rich?

With a poor academic record from occidental college he magically gets into Ivy League Schools like Columbia and Harvard. Now he criticizes the "1%" while ignoring the fact that Michelle and him have made 16 million dollars in the last 5 years.

Who's the 1%? Obama is!


  • Because he is their Messiah and grants them welfare and food stamps free housing and all sorts of other wonderful things on our tax dollars, and he tells them what ever they want to hear

  • Liberal wealth is sanctified by being elite and purified by it use/intent. Opposition wealth is Evil.

    The Goals justifies anything a Liberal does or has. Just ask Gore. Raking in millions on "green"

  • For gods sake, all the us politicians are billionaires. You have to be to run, and all Repubicans are just fat cats out for there own best interests.

    Obama did not spend his own money to buy the presidents position, like both of the Bush's, but he gets paid as president.

    Take your hatred down a notch, your just letting yourself down.

  • Who said he was not its unofficially a requirement to be president.

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