How do I create a graphic design resume?

I'm looking for an internship and my adviser wants to start sending my resume out to potential employees but I'm not exactly sure how that would work, since I've never done one before. Should I create it completely in Photoshop CS5, should I save it as a pdf or psd. I know that my adviser doesn't have Photoshop CS5, so how would he open it, if he doesn't have Photoshop,or how would employers open it? Can someone help me with my confusion. Thanks.


  • Like everyone else suggested, a PDF is your best option.

    I would not recommend creating your resume in Photoshop since it isn't the ideal program for arranging and working with type. If you have the Creative Suite and are familiar with IInDesign then I highly recommend using that program. Once you're completed with your resume, just export the file as a PDF and you're good to go!

    Just another tip, since you're a Graphic Designer, your resume can be a little more fun and playful. You can incorporate design elements or if you have a logo/branding look then use that on your resume. Just don't get too carried away with your design. The most important thing is that the information is well organized and easy to read.

    Good luck!

  • I think that a PDF format (converting the resume to this format once you designed the resume using another software) or a MS word format would be fine.

    You sound as though you have some creative ideas in mind for your resume and that is good. You want a resume that highlights your achievements and skills but you are going into a creative field so you don't want to simple white, neat and organized resume that say an accountant would use. Your resume should show some flair.

  • Try using a resume design service like

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