Why is K-Pop so corny?

I tried listening to K-Pop but it's just not doing anything for me, I don't see how anyone like Wondergirls -Tell Me or Super Junior -"U"

^^^is this not dorky and corny???

I feel like i'm the only person who feels this lol it's annoying how many wondergirls fans there are in america especially among the azns...

Why is kpop like that, where it looks like they are stuck in the 90's???


Also, I have this in Comics and Animation because I know many otaku listen to it....

Update 3:

if you didn't care you wouldn't make a long paragraph. you REALLY wouldn't.

Lastly, I will ask things related to k-pop and j-pop if i want because I know otaku listen to it like i said.


  • I think it is because Korea has recently and quickly got out of being a 3rd world country and has become a really great country, so they are still new to what is "in style" I guess.

  • Okay, first of all...you are in the wrong section. and being an "otaku" doesn't mean that they would love k-pop. People who love anime, doesn't meant that they would like k-pop.

    If you really want to see what people thinks, then why don't you have some guts and put this question in the "Korea" section and see what the people there would say. I bet a lot of people there listens to K-pop.


    So what if K-pop have some cheesy lyrics? Then are you saying that American singers have the best lyrics in the world? That the lyrics that the singers sings are NEVER cheesy and the music videos are not dorky? Come on. I have heard a lot of the songs, some of the lyrics are just....garbage.

    Yes, I know that some k-pop does have cheesy lyrics. But that doesn't mean that all of k-pop are cheesy and corny.

    Look at Big Bang, 2NE1,SNSD, DBSK, Epik High and FT Island. They are really successful with their music. Their music videos have the best dancing, that are a lot like what American singers would have.

    and not all of Super Junior's songs are corny. You might be listening to the wrong songs.

    Besides, everyone have different taste. If you don't like k-pop, then fine! No one is forcing you into listening to it! If it doesn't work for you then who cares! Listen to some other music. There are a lot of other people who loves k-pop just because they like it and like the style.

    And, so what if there are a lot of Wondergirls fans in America? and so what if they are all Asians? Is there something wrong for asians to like and support their music? The last time I check, people are allowed to listen to what they like. It's like a lot of Americans and Canadians liking singers from the states. There's nothing wrong with it. Besides, if k-pop is so corny, then why would it be so popular in the states? Why are the Wondergirls famous in America? ...Because like what Exo have said, that some k-pop singers are talented enough to release the their albums in different countries. How many American singers are going to Asia and performing their concerts?

    And if you think that U- Super Junior is dorky and corny, then why don't you make a comment about how you think the music video is corny on youtube? Say that's it's corny and stuff. See what the people there would think. >:O

    Again, not all k-pop are corny. You don't have to listen to it if you don't like it. and if you do know that many people in this section does like K-pop, then why are you asking this stupid question when you know that you would get a lot of answers from people who like k-pop and wouldn't think the same way as you do.

  • First and foremost, please don't ask a question that is a hidden hate rant. I really don't like those. If you have a problem with something, talk about it in private with someone else since some people like k-pop.

    Yes, some lyrics are cheesy, but have you heard some of the mainstream pop and rap that's out in the States? It's trash if you ask me. At least some k-pop artists aren't singing that sort of stuff. They're original.

    Another thing, you shouldn't judge music just by its lyrics. Yes, I did state that some music released in the States has horrible lyrics, but also, horrible lyrics also seem to have horrible music.

    Many k-pop artists are a million times more talented than you think. Some mainstream k-pop artists such as Big Bang and DBSK are so talented that they have released albums in multiple Asian countries. How many American artists -- or any other artist -- can say that?

    Lastly, please don't generalize saying that most otaku like k-pop and j-pop. Otaku is often a derogatory term. If you're going to post a question, post it in the right category, not matter how much attention you want.

  • Why is American pop so corny? Lady Gaga? Katy Perry? Have you read some of the lyrics? Horrible.

    Keep in mind that Korean does not translate well, regardless of how accurate the translation is. Sappy lyrics may not be as sappy and whatnot.

    I'm going to assume that you haven't heard much K-pop, as the idea that all K-pop groups have the same 90s feel to them is ridiculous--Koyote, SNSD, Epik High, Big Bang, 2NE1, Brown Eyed Girls, 4Minute are just a few groups that are producing music that are very similar to the kind of pop that gets on the Billboard Top 100 here in the states.

  • I used to say the same thing... but then I listened to it more and now I kind of understand why. I actually got into some of the music believe it or not.

    Different cultures means different patterns. The Pop culture of Korea right now is similar to the pop culture we had in previous decades, musically, thus its kind of old things to us. They're still into boy bands and girl groups, something we're kind of drifting from in the western world today.

    Some of the things may seem corny but hey, its what they're into.

  • Try listening to the band Big Bang.

    They're Korean, But they're awesome!!♥

    Some good songs of theirs aree- Strong baby,& Lollipop

    Also, the band 2NE1 is good too.

  • well, maybe you haven't listened to the right ones, i've heard tell me and yea.. it is a little corney.... but that song isn't that new right now maybe we shouldn't expect so much out of it...

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