Is 'Pride' a virtue or a vice?

What are the levels of pride?

Can a person be a proud Muslim, a proud Christian, a proud Buddhist? .. that wouldn't be considered a vice form of pride?

When does pride become a vice?

what other virtues that may eventually be considered as vices?


  • If pride means dignity, then no it's not a vice

    but If pride means arrogance, then yes and the arrogant is jeopardizing his destiny

    That's all i can say

  • I have to say it's a virtue. Not only pertaining to religion, but in all aspects of personal life too. What is the opposite of pride? None....(duh). A person with no pride is less inclined to know right from wrong, to have standards, to be a respectable person. Pride in who you are and what you stand for represent integrity - too little of that around anymore.

  • I think that much of the time pride is a vice and that we should all be more humble like jesus told us to be. i think that pride with a small p is fine ie keeping your house clean and tidy, being smart in appearance and as my grandfather used to tell me " that any job worth doing is worth doing properly". But we should not be proud of what religion we are because that is not of our making but God's. Honesty is a virtue but not if it means that you are going to hurt someones feelings by saying that you didn't like a present that they had bought you for instance.

  • Pride in the right perspective always help to be proud bout money, position n power is the baddest

    however as u claim being proud bout being a good person n continuing to be so is always nice, also as a muslim their is nothing to be proud bout being a muslim,

    but one should be proud bout following the commandment in the right perspective and living up to being the righteous and the non voilent polite guy islam wants us to be that is worth being puffed up bout

  • Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

    : It is said that Fakhr (pride) is about the worst of all spiritual diseases!

    : The source of Fakhr (pride) caused Iblis - Shaitaan - Satan, to become disobedient to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, and be outcast for ever!

    : The Qur'ãn (The Luqman-XXXI-18) states that we should not turn our cheeks in scorn towards others, nor walk with pertness, and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala loveth not the braggart or boaster.

    : Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) stated that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala had sent down revelation to him saying that believing Muslim's should adopt humility and meekness, and not indulge in pride in themselves or over others.

    : Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) also stated that pre-Islamic hauteur and pride in the fathers and forefathers had been wiped out, and the believing Muslim's has two aspects, either they are faithful and pious or an unfortunate sinner.

    Wassalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

  • The pointer for a person who is bad is that he/she thinks and belittles others - it's here i find pride starts. By virtue, no one is pride.

  • The Qur'ān tells us that it was simply out of pride that IblÄ«s disobeyed Allāh when he refused to bow down (in respect) to Adām ('alayhi sallam), even though he was commanded by Allāh to do so. As a result, Allāh expelled him from Paradise, granted him respite till the Day of Ressurrection, and promised that he and those who follow him in misguidance will be thrown into Hell, despite the fact that IblÄ«s was one of the most loyal worshippers from among the inhabitants in Paradise.

  • To take pride in a job well done, to take pride in the memorization of the Quran with a degree of understanding, to take pride in helping others, to take pride in doing good deeds, to take pride in writing exceedingly depressing poems is normal and necessary self reinforcement. Pride as expressed in demeaning others is no pride at all and that is boasting.

  • Spiritually, it's a vice. You have to remember that what you have the capacity to do is because of God.

    On another level, it really depends on what kind of pride we're talking about.


  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with having pride.

    The problem arises when pride evolves into conceit.

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