How do you Color Splash a picture?

I really want to color splash on photobucket or something.

like i want it to look perfect,like the professional pictures.

if u go on photo bucket,there r color splash pics & they look great!

how do i do that & make it look perfect?


  • I dsagree with VanGorkum ... I do it because clients like it and in the end, as a professional photographer, I want my clients to be happy.

    Of course I work in the cliche world of Wedding photography but we all gotta pay the bills. :)

    Now, as for how to do it. Well if you would have searched YA instead of asking, you would have found 1084 results.

    I use photoshop (or theGimp on my netbook when on the field).

    Import image, duplicate layer, turn new layer into BW, add a layer mask to bw layer.

    Now go to the layer mask, you;ll notice you can only choose black, white and grey for your colors. That's because anything covered in white on the mask, appears, while anything in black disappears and grey offers different levels of transparency.

    Let's say you want colored lips, then cover the lips in black in the mask. this will make the BW lips disappear, revealing the colored lips underneath.


    In the future, please search before asking. I've already stopped answering the (what;'s the best camera to start) questions and I think I'll stop with these as well as we get them 4-5 times a day.

  • It is actually called Selective (or partial) desaturation

    (it is NOT colourizing or colouring - that is a totally different technique used on b&w images).

    1. Duplicate your background layer.

    2. Desaturate that layer (i.e. make it b&w).

    3. Apply a layer mask to the layer. Use the black brush to paint on the layer mask (make sure that is where you are, not on the image itself). That will bring the colour back to those areas. If you make a mistake, change the brush to white and go over it. Using a masking technique is best because you can keep adjusting it and fixing mistakes, which can't be done easily with the eraser.

    4. When you're happy, flatten and save.

    If you don't have any image editors, you can do it for free on in their effects section.

    Here is how to do it on

    Upload a photo

    Click on the "Create" tab

    Click on "Black and white"

    In the "Effect Painting" box, choose "Original"

    Choose a brush size, then simply paint the color back in where you want it.

    If you make a mistake, change it to "Effect" and go over the mistake.

    Save the picture.

    Here is how to do it on Photobucket (see how useful help files can be?)

    Don't bother looking for a camera that takes "colour splash" photos - that function only works some of the time, and it means you don't get to keep your original in its full glory. If you happen to take a truly fantastic photo whilst on that setting, you'd be kicking yourself that you only have a copy with weird colouring instead of a proper one.


    This question gets asked many times every day.

    A quick search on Yahoo Answers would have brought up countless responses.

    Look/scroll up right now - see the white box right next to "Search for questions:" - that's the search box.

    Also, be aware that this is a terribly overdone technique, usually done in a very tacky way.

    However, I do understand that to YOU it is new and exciting, and you need to get that phase out of your system. Enjoy :-)

  • I would do this in Photoshop. There's a few methods. You would do a masks or reproduction one reproduction layer over the usual colour one, after which take out the colour of the reproduction and use a masks to erase the locations in which you wish the backside colour layer to exhibit.

  • You can do it with various types of photo editors. is a free online photo editor, similar to Photoshop.

    Do a simple websearch at,/ keywords "color splash tutorial"

    or check out the videos at YouTube, search term: "color splash tutorial."

    Making it look "perfect" will depend on how carefully you follow the tutorials.

    Best of success to you!


  • professionals DON'T "Color Splash" their images....its cliche and almost every teenager online does it...

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