How do I find a pen-pal?

We wrote to eachother for a year while he was serving in Iraq. My last letter was never answered. I am now in the process of writing a book and would like his okay on a few things. My true wish is just to know he is okay even if he says no. Any suggestions?


his FPO was 09509-6695. he was there from mar of 05-jan 05. If any of you were there at the same time let me know so I can get into more detail with a name. Thanks


  • has a database and soldier locator...

    Jaread, she obviously isn't his fiance, and you inferring she could lie about that to gain privileged information is despicable.

  • I wonder if you could contact the military branch that he is in and get his name looked up in a database, though I'm not sure if they would do it for you. Did you know his family? If not, hopefully you can find a good website or something, I don't know what more I can tell you, but I wish you luck

  • Yes. First you have to locate him. You did not say whether or not he was still in Iraq. If he is, you must find out if he is still there or if something

    happened to him.

    You can contact the Chaplin of his outfit and he can tell you if your friend is ok, or not. it you are his fiance, it will be easier for you to locate him. See what I mean.

  • Change the name you will probably use a bit of artistic license anyway.

  • you can publish or write a book whether he says yes or not, as long as his real name is not being used.

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