Atheists, Do you prefer munchies?

Or whole sandwiches for lunch?

Ps; munchies are good for health. :-)


  • Munchies make atheist fat. When atheist fat ladies no like as much. Atheist not big fat piggies like SOME pious we know. Atheist like ladies too much. Especially the ones that don't want to multiply. Know what I'm sayin?

  • Well let me tell you something now, Johnny. Last Thursday, I turned 95 years old. And I never exercised a day in my life. Every morning, I wake up, and I smoke a cigarette. And then I eat five strips of bacon. And for lunch, I eat a bacon sandwich. And for a midday snack? Bacon! A whole damn plate! And I usually drink my dinner.

  • I'm a liberal hippie stoner. So I like the munchies.

  • Munchies.followed by sandwich for lunch.

  • I don't eat lunch.

  • It depends. Are we talking about Babby-Crisps®?

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