Why do i constantly pass gas?

i havent real had this problem since last year when i accidently let one loose in class. it was so embarressing. ever since then i have been farting happening constantly.literally it happens at least 10 times an hour. does anyone know why? any tips to fix it? is this normal? any realted happenings?

please help. i would like to stop this.


  • Maybe you should examine your diet-- what dietary changes you've made since last year that could have caused so much gas. It's a lot of gas though, so I do think you should get a check up by a physician to make sure all is OK with you.

  • Talk to your doctor to make sure there isn't any physical problems. Your doc might suggest that you take and over the counter gas elimination product like Gas-X or something. But you should also examine what you are eating--maybe start writing everything you ingest (liquids too) into a little notebook because you might be able to see a pattern--when you eat onions or too much fiber or something. You might also be allergic or have food sensitivities to certain food products. Once you know what is causing the gaseousness, you can eliminate them or at least be more in control of your body.

  • Are you a vegetarian? Did you change your diet about a year ago? If no to both questions, see your doctor and explain the problem. You may have a digestive disorder. Certain grains like oatmeal will often cause gas or maybe you are allergic to something you are eating.

  • Go to the Doctor. In the meantime, wear tight-fitting plastic underwear so the smell won't escape.

  • Go to the doctor. Sounds like a problem to me.

  • maybe it is the food that you eat. I am really sorry to hear that it must feel really embarrasing. Maybe you are lacktose intolorant. My advice to you is to go slower on the foods that you eat. Try to eat your food with patience and drink lots of water that has to help with the digestion. GOOD LUCK SWEETIE :)

  • It's probably something in your diet...I'm no expert but I'd recommend doing some research into "gassy" foods or talk to your doctor about it!

  • Try cutting out "gassy" foods like beans, onions and cabbage and see if that helps. If it doesn't, try cutting dairy out. You may need Lactaid or Bean-O.

  • Maybe it's because of the foods your eating, sometimes acidic food contributes to that

  • dont swolow when air when eating

    look up a chart on how much gas food has in it

    and if you have insurance see a doc

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