Is Nausea a symptom of Endometriosis?

I've been bouncing back and forth from hospitals to clinics and specialists for years now, and I'm still not getting any answers to why I'm in so much pain all the time, to why i'm feeling like I'm going to puke with everything I do. The foods I eat, my activities, everything and nothing that I do seems to point to anything. I answer all of my doctors questions, and they do testing, but Endometriosis is one thing they haven't tested for yet.

So what i'm asking is: What are some of the CLASSIC symptoms of Endometriosis, and is constant nausea one of them?


  • Hello. I had severe Endometriosis for years, and i never had nausea. The main symptoms are pelvic pain ( and i mean so bad you double over ), heavy periods, bleeding between periods, and painful sex. The only way to know for sure if you have it, is to get Laproscopic surgery. That is where they make a one inch incision in your navel, and insert a small camera, so they can look at your uterus and ovaries. After 2 years of horrible pain, and bleeding, that's what i finally had done, and it showed i had severe endometriosis, and i had to get a hysterectomy. Surgery is no fun, but there is no other test for endometriosis, so that's the only way to know for sure. I wish i would have got it done sooner, so i wouldn't have wasted so much time being in pain. Hope you find an answer soon. Good luck, and take care :-)

  • google endometriosis, my personal symptoms for endo, is painful bowel movements, painful sex, doing to much activity will cause pain in my abdomen, my periods are just to painful to even discuss, and the back aches are awful. i have personally never felt nausea except with the bowel movements, and even then it was all b/c of the excrutiating pain. it is true that endo can only be diagnosed with surgery. i recomend you visit the website "" they are gyns that specialize in diagnosing and treatment of endo, which a hysterectomy may or may not be the best route, for it doesnt remove anything other than what can be on or in the uterus. as in my case it has spred to my large intestine, bladder as well as the outer part of my uterus.

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