How do you breed tetra neons?

I have a 30l tank and neons and Really want to breed


  • Breeding tetras is difficult at best. I've done it but it only happened after I gave up - I was astonished to find the tiny fry glinting in the lights like shards of glass and had to work fast to save them. Basically you have to simulate the conditions that occur in the Amazon basin that stimulate the fish to spawn - torrential downpours and heavy thunderstorm activity. The method I used was to gradually let the water hardness increase over the course of a few months. Then I mounted a speaker capable of reproducing deep bass directly under the tank and played bass heavy music for a few hours each day and gradually added distilled water. This simulates the sound of thunder and the softening of the tropical streams by the downpour of rain water. Then you wait. The next challenge is to keep the adults from eating the fry which are incredibly tiny. A thick layer of floating plants like elodea and / or cabomba can serve as a hiding place. The best technique is to simply remove the adults to another tank. You will need to remove power filters as they will suck up the fry. Sponge filters should be started well in advance to allow them to reach a biological state where they can work properly.

    Good luck.

  • The tank is too small for neons so they're not likely to get in the mood

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