Do you think Jo O Meara resembles deperate dan?

She looks like someone set fire to her face and put it out with a shovel, and as for that Danielle one, how the hell is she a model???


  • HAHAHA so true!

    Just look at the similarities

  • how can people say such horrible things about Jo and the other girls and then say what they did was bullying. You are just as horrible as what you are making her out to be. I watched Big Brother Live many times and saw the real side of Jo, she had many hilarious moments which had me in stitches, but these were not shown on the mainstream program. I think she has every right to say everything she has, if Big Brother leaves people the way it has left her, it SHOULD be axed. I feel for her after seeing the real her. You people judge by the media, you just play along with everything it says.

  • How the hell Danielle the Chav won Miss Great Britain stuns me. Do we really not have any better looking girls in this country?!? The Indian girl who replaced her is infinitely more attractive.

    As for Jo O'Meara I think all that Peroxide must have soaked into her skull and addled her brain. She looks like a typical Essex Chavette. With man's features. Yuk.

    My BF (I asked his opinion on this) says he wouldn't touch any of them with a barge pole and they're all totally unattractive.

    Although he's besotted with Shilpa! LOL - its a while since British guys have had a real lady on TV to drool over.

  • She is only 27 years old but she looks at least 49 she has the most wrinkles and she dresses like a tramp.

  • Yep, she has proven the age old rule, if you look slightly like a man, dyeing your hair white, hacking into it with nail sisscors (spelling I know) and painting yourself orange, will in fact make you look MORE like a man, not less of one.


  • I think she looks like a cross between Desperate Dan and Nicholas Lyndhurst.

  • Ooooh 'ark at those answerer's with their handbags out!!!

    I agree, and whats with that sad excuse for a barnet stuck on top of her head???

  • I like it. Check out the first answerers photobucket link.. it is very true liking.

  • she reminds me of the real tough guy out of sin city (the one involved with the twins)

  • it just goes to show what a face full of make up does.

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