How do I become a US citizen?

I have been living in the US for 20+ years and now I am getting married to a US citizen. I have been in jail before. I wanted to know what steps I would have to go through to become a US citizen or if I will be able to come a citizen. I also want to know how long will the process take. Thank You.


  • it's very difficult to say since there are still things we'd need to know to begin to give you an answer. for one thing, we'd need to know if you have any status at this point in the US. did you come here legally or not? if you were convicted of some crime, you need to tell us what. If you're out of status you may be able to get legal resident status without leaving. if not, you won't be able to do that without leaving and getting an immigrant visa to return. your past conviction may make it impossible to even get an immigrant visa, or it might not. it all depends on the details. if you don't want to discuss them here, you really need to consult a good immigration lawyer before taking any steps.

  • If you have been a legal permanent resident for at least five years out of those 20 that you have lived in the US, (or three years since marrying a US citizen) then you are eligible to apply for naturalization. Time in jail does not automatically disqualify you from obtaining US citizenship specially if it happened more than five years ago and you were not convicted of a serious crime. The process may 6-8 months. Good luck.

  • First you have to be a resident for 5 years then yew can become a citizen. In order to become a citizen you have toh take a test for your citizen ship. You can order the book to study and then when your ready you can take the test.

  • After 5 years of lawful permanent residency you apply with USCIS.

  • If you have a greencard then you could apply at any time.

    If you are illegal then getting married epwont help at all in fact it would help find and deprt you.

  • You would have to apply for citizenship. Usually you can go on the U.S. Immigration website:

    You can find all of the forms and study for the citizenship exam.The cost is roughly $1000

  • Depends on if you are here legally or illegally. Without knowing your status, your question can't be answered.

  • Why would you want US citizenship?

    There are record numbers of people dropping their US Citizenry this year and last.

    Why would you want to be part of a war mongering government/nation controlled by the War mongering Government.

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