Do car company waive u payment?

i brought new car , as i needed immediately , I brought car within 10 min without negotiating price. Now it make me think i paid 2 much and want 2 pay less.Is it possible ????????


  • If you made your decision in 10 minutes without comparing prices and models then you almost certainly paid more than you might have done.

    You can't really get a discount after you bought it - you might try returning the car for a refund if the seller allows it under pretence of something like 'it doesn't fit in my garage'. Not really fair and the seller would be under no obligation to do this.

  • No. Car sales are final. Your one and only chance to negotiate was before you "brought" it.

  • stand there in the show room and yell loud enough they will talk with you. You have rights. Your not out of any big time limit. Heck some dealers now will let you take it for a month and if not satisfied bring it back. But stand your ground...tell them you'd been drinking and popping pills...and after you woke up, your like what the heck is this doing in my garage? Plan an attack and don't return it with 2938484 miles on it, do it now, better chance of getting at least a slightly better deal or other vehicle options. But this will be your last shot, think what it is your offering, they will send in the big guns and play on it.

  • You're kidding right ?

    Yeah, the salesman & dealer aren't actually in business to make money. They are there to make friends. So yeah, they will give your money back and give you the car for free too.

  • Is it possible you paid too much? Yes. Is it possible to renegotiate the price? No.

  • Wow.

    Just, wow.

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