Cervical cancer?

I never had sex before. But I relate to some of the signs, I have had discharge for over 2years now and sometimes out of random there will be a little blood, it happens maybe at least once a month ((I never started my period))

Age:16(17 in March)


Height:5ft 4.5inches


They already gave me tests for the whole 'no period thing.' I saw a gynocologist(But nothing special just sticked up a q-tip to check if I actually have an opening and that's it.),blood work,hormone check,ultrasound(only to check if I actually have a uterus,fallopian tubes,ext) and a MRI.


She even told me that she didn't wipe any skin off of there.Also, I heard ultrasounds weren't powerfull enough to detect any cancer and was only able to see the overies and stuff like that with no real good detail.

Update 3:

Is discharge suppose to smell? I mean...when ever I have the discharge,which is all the time, I can't smell it unless I put it right below my chin then I can smell it well...


  • Your gynocologists did a pap smear which tests for irregular cells on your cervix. (That is what sticking a q-tip inside of you was for). Many women have a discharge. The ultrasound would have checked for irregular growth indicating cancer as well. (If anything was seen they would have done a biopsy.) It sounds as if all the right steps have been taken to ensure you are healthy, however if you are still concerned, schedule another check-up with your doctor (if it has been 6 months or so since your last one) or if that appointment was real recent schedule with another doctor for a second opinion.

  • From the National Cancer Institute, the 7 warning signs of cancer are--

    C- Change in bowel or bladder habits

    A- A sore that does not heal

    U- Unusual bleeding or discharge

    T- Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere

    I- Indigestion or Dysphagia (difficult or painful swallowing)

    O- Obvious change in wart or mole

    N- Nagging cough or hoarseness

    You are getting the runaround. I've seen this happen before, where the doctors don't pay enough attention until the cancer is very serious, and then they can make money from you or your insurance company. The only problem is that it is hard on YOU.

    Cancer is a $1.1 trillion a year business in this country, and the system is set up to suck the wealth and life out of the American public. Only 1 in 3 people with cancer live for 5 years after diagnosis, and that number hasn't changed significantly in the last 30 years, despite many billions being spent of 'research' every year.

    I have cancer now. I'm disgusted with the system, and have turned to alternative medicine since my doctors have told me there is no hope. Bitter? Yes, I am--and my anger has motivated me to learn about repressed natural methods of disease control.

    You are just starting in the meat grinder right now, and if it turns out you have cancer, I strongly urge you to talk with your parents about looking for an answer besides artificial drugs, surgery and radiation. Here are some books I have read from cover to cover, that are now helping me to survive way beyond my doctors' grim predictions--

    "The Cure for All Cancers"

    "A Cancer Therapy"

    "Oxygen Therapies"

    "Hydrogen Peroxide--Medical Miracle"

    "The Natural Cure for Cancer--Germanium"

    "Killing Cancer"

    "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About"

    There are many other good books about surviving this disease, and you should know about this option, even if you choose to go the traditional route with it's abysmal prognosis. Best of luck.

  • If the test results have all come back "normal", then it is highly unlikely that you have cervical cancer. Cervical cancer has a number of risk factors, the number of sexual partners is definitely one - but you have not had any partners! so that risk factor would not affect you.

    If there is no history of cervical cancer in your family, then that is good too.

    I was actually discussing the onset of the "period" with my step-daughters (14 & 18) within the last few days! They both got their periods around 11 years old, but apparently some girls don't get their periods until even 19!

    The only other thing that comes to mind is something my ex had - Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome - otherwise known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome:


    My ex only ever had about 1 period a year - sometimes less! And, as it turned out, she was infertile.

    If the doctors can find no other reason, have then check this out.

    Best of luck

  • You don't have cervical cancer; don't worry. Every woman has discharge and if your discharge is clear, colorless and has no odor, then you have nothing to worry about. It is also a bit strange that you are turning 17 and never had a period. If you are an athlete or have lost a lot of weight, then, it could be the reason why you haven't had your period. Otherwise, majority of chicks have their periods by the time they are 17, at the latest.

  • Odd that you haven't started your period thing and that you're having discharge and not been sexually active. Don't jump to conclusions on cervical cancer. This type of cancer is detected through PAP tests. Go to the OBGYN and get a PAP, it's very similar to the q-tip tests. That will test for any abnormal cells, which can, eventually, lead to cervical cancer, but as long as you get checked out and do so when the Dr. says to, cervical cancer can be avoided entirely!

  • At your age it's difficult to have cervical cancer, you don't have to worry at all have a pap smear done, it is non invasive test and the results are excellent.

  • if they did all of that and did not find anything abnormal then most likely you don't have cancer.. when a pelvic (pap smear) is done they check for precancerous cells in your cervix.

  • Well they checked every thing its really not unusual to get you period late

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