help please :)?

Okay so i ordered from on friday, everything went well, but now when i click the "track order" button, it says that my clothes were sent from the UK to Germany and now they are in Belgium... What's going on? It may have something to do with that i payed 14 euros for quick delivery, i don't know...

The last time i ordered it said that my clothes went straight from the UK to Iceland (where i live).

Anyone familiar with this?


  • Call Customer Service if you can to ASOS, but read below. Wait a week and see what happens, hopefully you got your merchandise. If not, call your Credit Card Company, when you get your statement, and complain. They'll help you with your dispute.

    Example from ASOS: They DON'T HAVE TOLL FREE NUMBER, so if you're USA trying to order, you need to know your Beginning & END date of your Credit Card. Mine's NOT TAKING IT. I have to email them, now I have to wait 6 hours before I can get my question answered, to order something from them. BTW: when I finally got my email answered, they're saying I'm having computer problem (I don't), and that I needed to clean my virus. I ended up NOT ordering from them, that still didn't answer my question!

    I also suggest when paying for online purchases, don't use Paypal, it takes just once to be a victim. I was and it took 3 years to get my credit. Use your Credit Card, always, they can help you if any disputes.

    AND beware of international shipping, they could add 3-25% extra fees, even if the price is cheap.

    My merchant was from Texas, but the product was shipped from Hong Kong.

    Other times, when you need to call Customer Service, they speak in foreign tongue and no one to translate them or JUST they don't answer calls.

  • Asos Track Order

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