Is Tylenol poisonous to dogs?

Two of my dogs were attacked by a bigger dog today and my mom gave them some tylenol for the pain.(They had a few wounds.) I've been reading some articles that say it is poisonous and others that say it isn't. I don't know what to do if it is poisonous. My parents don't want to take the dogs to a vet.


  • Tylenol can kill a dog. The ONLY over-the-counter pain med appropriate for dogs is aspirin, which will NOT do a thing for the dogs-these dogs MAY need stitches, and they will definitely need antibiotics (bites are very likely to become infected, whether they come from human or animal). A trip to the vet PLUS the antibiotics should run in the range of $75 (antibiotics are cheap). If the animals seem to be in pain, then they NEED a veterinarian (who also has MUCH better options for pain control).

  • Although aspirin is better (for dogs and people) Tylenol given on a short-term basis isn't going to harm the dogs any more than it would harm a person. (Yes, acetamenophen can cause liver and kidney damage in humans and dogs if taken for a long period of time.) Your parents know what they are doing and it is not necessary to take a dog to the vet for every little scratch. Stop believing everything you read on the internet.

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    Is Tylenol poisonous to dogs?

    Two of my dogs were attacked by a bigger dog today and my mom gave them some tylenol for the pain.(They had a few wounds.) I've been reading some articles that say it is poisonous and others that say it isn't. I don't know what to do if it is poisonous. My parents don't want to take...

  • Tylenol can be poisonous to dogs but to some dogs it isn't. So if you see your dogs giving any signs of throwing up, diarrhea (gross),coughing, or sneezing, try to convince your parents to take them to the vet.

  • Asprin is much better for them then Tylenol. Your dogs should still see a vet tho. Why do people get pets if they dont wanna take care of them? If you cant afford a vet bill dont get an effing dog!

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  • Yes, acetaminophen and ibuprofen are both toxic to dogs. If they were bitten by another dog, they need to see a vet if they have open wounds or punctures. At the very least the vet will put them on antibiotics and possibly appropriate pain meds. Pets require us to take care of them, even when it's inconvenient. If cost is an issue, ask your mom if there are chores or anything you can do to earn the money to pay her back.

  • As little as two regular strength Tylenol can kill a smaller dog.


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