I have a period problem.?

Alright, I've had my period for about a year.

I get my period every 3-4 months besides every month and it's extremely heavy, going through pads and underwear. It also lasts about 2-3 days.

15 years old and not sexually active.

Is this normal?


  • you should talk to a doctor or a gynecologist, they can test you for a hormonal imbalance. in the meantime, (if you have your period now that is) i would wear large absorbency tampons and change them very frequently, and wear a pad as backup.

    hope that helps!!

  • It is normal if it is normal for you! I had heavy periods for years, but only every few months. I didn't really regulate until the last few years in my later twenties. If it is a big problem, get on some birth control pills. These will regulate your cycle and make the periods lighter.

  • Just about anything can be "normal" when it comes to beginning your period.

    You might want to ask your mom if you could check with a doctor. He/she can prescribe birth control pills - even if you're not sexually active, and no it's not an excuse to become sexually active! - they help regulate you. You don't necessarily have to take them for a long time, just to get your period more regular. Ask your mom; let her know how bad it's been.

  • thats not really normal if its going through your pads and underwear ... i would talk to a doctor =\ you could have a hormone imbalance... and also you said you get it once every 3 or 4 months? definitely see a doctor.

  • once every 3-4 months?

    going through a pad?

    talk to your mom or guardian, see what they suggest.

    go see a doctor if your worried about it,

    it cant hurt right? gooodluck!

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