Gh Maxies New Hairdo[Dont]?

That Short hair cut does not suit Maxies ;were they going for making her look older or what ? Maxie is Beautiful but that cut should go What are your Views? Thank you .


  • She looked best in an episode right before the haircut that had it to the shoulders and flat ironed. Her eyes popped and she looked stunning. She is very pretty and can pull off more hairstyles than most people, but I personally would want to stick to the one that looks the best.

  • I don't like it either, I like her golden blonde rather then platinum blonde look and a little longer. Its sort of that 'do that Kate Goesslin was sporting for a while there.

    Though since Maxie works in the fashion industry they (writers, gh stylists, gh warddrobe) always try to make sure she has the latest trends hairstyles & couture.

    I assume that the cut is mostly the powers that be idea or it was Kirsten's and they approved it. For most actors (soaps and primetime) its in their contracts that they can't do drastic changes to their appearance or hairstyle without the producers approval. Sometimes that even includes pregnancy, but they don't stress that one as much.

  • i'm at a loss for words - i don't understand who Maxie is on Y&R. Did I miss something? by ways, an stunning form of the actresses have undesirable hair days on the soaps. Root regrowth 4 inches long. do not they have hairdressers who might desire to offer them a sprint up??

  • Well KT is gorgeous so she can pretty much pull off anything, but yea the platinum blonde was a little drastic. However, it seems like maybe she is doing that because she wants too, not because of the "powers that be." I like her peircings and all the other kinda over the top stuff she wears, they are so cute.

  • I like it. Maxie is always fashion perfect! I loved the dress she was wearing (the black one with the printed accents).

    Lulu is another story. Does any one else think she has had plastic surgery? Or just a WonderBra?

    I wonder!

  • Maxie's new do is too white blonde which doesn't flatter her. She's really skinny so it's making her look old from some angles.

  • Her hair is way to short, I think she must have the same stylist as Gigi on OLTL LOL......I don't think GH has to much to say about Maxie's hair, she likes to try different bad some of the guys like Lucky don't try something new like SHAVE! bottom line I don't like her doo, in a week or two she will be wearing extensions.

  • Maxie's hairstyles may not always be the most appealing to the public, but I usually like them. They're edgier and in keeping with her character and the fact that she works in fashion.

  • Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't, but it's starting to grow on me. I think it was probably Kristen Storms' decision and not the powers that be. I mean she's gotten piercing, tattoos, and now the hair, none of it sounds like Maxie. I think it's all Kristen Storms.

  • She's such a pretty young woman, but always doing something weird with her hair. This cut is one of her worst and the color is way too light.

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